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kber81 said:

7? I can provide to you at least 25 PS3 games that will score +75% before Q2. How about this year? C'mon it's really depressing. Don't get me wrong - I don't care about Wii lineup. I just find it funny you start a thread to prise Wii's third party supporters. They should try harder. No high quality software so far. As I said before - nothing to be proud of. Seriously.

As I've said before: It's a different type of support. It doesn't make it more than the playstation 3, and it doesn't make it less than the Playstation 3. The Playstation 3 has alot of big projects, and so does the 360. However, in sheer numbers of games, the Wii has more support in that area. You are right, however. This is nothing to brag about.