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I can name 5 excellent 3rd party games coming out on the Wii within the next month.

MLB Power Pros, Zack & Wiki, Guitar Hero 3, Rayman 2, Resident EVil:UC

Yes there is one PS2 port (MLB Power Pros just got an 8.4 on IGN). One next gen cross plat (Guitar Hero 3), and 3 exclusives.

The assumtion that all future Wii games would be like the shovelware we saw in the first year is sily. Did the 360 game selection improve from 1st year to 2nd? Hell Yes.

These numbers tell me that publishers realize that the gaming market is expanding and the adoption of next gen is taking place. It is no surprise that 360, and PS3 games are coming out. No one expected the Wii to have so many games, certainly nice double the raet of the others and certainly not this soon in it's life, no matter what quality you say they are.

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt