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Biggerboat said:
Whilst I'm a Wii supporter I have to say that just looking at the number of titles comng out is misleading. A far better way to identify 3rd party support would be to look at how much resources, ie. cash, devs are throwing at the different platforms. Obviously there is no accurate way to do this so we are left relying on stats that only tell half the story.

My guess at the moment would be that 360 is way out in front in terms of 3rd party investment, followed by PS3, partly owed to the fact that 360 titles can be ported over with Wii bringing up the rear.

I think that through 2008/09 Wii will climb the ranks and give the 360 a run for it's money and probably claim most dev investment but it ain't gonna happen overnight.

I agree. But please keep in mind that the Wii is easier to develop for and hence any big project willcost less on Wii. Therefore a total reliance on development cost will not work either.

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