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Forums - Sony Discussion - MS doesn't only steal games, songs too!

MrBubbles said:
i guarantee hardly anyone thinks of little big planet when they hear the song.

Then how did this thread start if "Hardly anyone" associates it with LBP, I think the  2.31 million people and thier friends/familiy who may have played it with them proberbly will disagree with you

Around the Network

... so... what's going on in this thread?

Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Someone might have already said it but,

The song is 'Get It Together' by 'The Go! Team', a band from my home-town, Brighton.

If you like this song, check out their first album 'Thunder, Lightning, Strike'.

FKNetwork said:
Squilliam said:
Good work! I think thats a nice steal. IMO there hasn't been enough stolen off Sony recently and this is a good way to make up for lost time.


Superb move by MS, even just to pi*s off sony and it's fanboys lmao! and the connect for free thing, it is FREE to connect to live (Silver)....

Lies, not being able to play online with others = No online.

Around the Network
Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

Haha, wow just wow, what a pathetic post!


Why not say something like that HERE on the charts hmm?


Thanks kantor, now i know of one more person on the chartz to avoid logical and "fair" gaming discussions with, good one on ya Guv'Na!.

Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

Uh-oh.  Naughty naughty!!!

CaptDS9E said:
"no, they own the rights, the band is part of columbia records, which is FULLY owned by sony."

You do know that each division is separate from each other. Columbia Records can give permission to anyone to use their music. Sony and Microsoft do work together on a lot of stuff.

they work independently but still end up as  sony money , as in they own it.


Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

After seeing this...I realize there is some hope left for VGC.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

Haha, wow just wow, what a pathetic post!


Why not say something like that HERE on the charts hmm?


Thanks kantor, now i know of one more person on the chartz to avoid logical and "fair" gaming discussions with, good one on ya Guv'Na!.

If he said that on the charts, Torillian or Nordlead (MM476 never mods) would be on him within five minutes

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective