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Forums - Sony Discussion - MS doesn't only steal games, songs too!

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

they do own the rights, they are publisher, microsoft have to pay sony to use the song =).

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Xoj said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

they do own the rights, they are publisher, microsoft have to pay sony to use the song =).

Then it makes even less sense to act as if Microsoft are being evil, because that means Sony allowed them to use the song.

Actually sony does not own the rights to that song. From kotaku

"That theme song wasn't written for the game. Dubbed "Get It Together," it's a instrumental pop tune by British band The Go! Team, but it has become linked with the game, just as George Baker's "Little Green Bag" is now forever associated with Reservoir Dogs.:

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Xoj said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

they do own the rights, they are publisher, microsoft have to pay sony to use the song =).

Then it makes even less sense to act as if Microsoft are being evil, because that means Sony allowed them to use the song.

somebody said it was evil, just desperate lol.

crazy to use such song, sony : just give me the money. lol

CaptDS9E said:
Actually sony does not own the rights to that song. From kotaku

"That theme song wasn't written for the game. Dubbed "Get It Together," it's a instrumental pop tune by British band The Go! Team, but it has become linked with the game, just as George Baker's "Little Green Bag" is now forever associated with Reservoir Dogs.:

no, they own the rights, the band is part of columbia records, which is FULLY owned by sony.


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Awesome catchy tune!!  And this didn't make me think of LBP, but thats because I've never heard it before.

Whats really funny though are all the butthurt fanboys over something so simple.  I guess Sony is a rat bastard for copying MS by using their operating systems.  Shame on them, they don't deserve to be a company!~!!!!!111111!!1!

i lol'd.

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Kantor said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
I can't believe people are acting like this is some horrible, evil, thing... ? If Sony don't own the rights to the song, it's up for grabs. Stop trying to make everything Microsoft does into some evil plot of devilry, good god.

It's not illegal, it's not evil, but of all the MILLIONS of songs in the world, why did Microsoft pick the theme song of one of the most popular games on their competitor's console to advertise their console.

It's just...odd, and a little desperate. Not evil.

Probably because they thought it went well with the advert they had. I can see why you'd call it odd, not sure why it'd be desperate since this feels really unrelated to LBP, and half of the people in this thread are acting as if it's evil. They're screaming bloody murder that Microsoft are the devil and saying they've sunk to new lows and god knows what. I just can't believe how people are reacting.

Sony owns the record label, so yes, they approved the ad music.

What strikes me as desperate is that Microsoft would choose this ONE song, and PAY Sony for it, knowing full well it's in a Sony game, just to be what? What does this achieve, except pissing off some ridiculous Sony fanboys? Is Microsoft really willing to pay for that alone now?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Gamers are so sensitive these days @_@

"no, they own the rights, the band is part of columbia records, which is FULLY owned by sony."

You do know that each division is separate from each other. Columbia Records can give permission to anyone to use their music. Sony and Microsoft do work together on a lot of stuff.