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Forums - Sony Discussion - MS doesn't only steal games, songs too!

Dare I say it, but if I'd see that ad on TV it'll only make me think of my LBP and will end up with me buying some more DLC for it :D

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Squilliam said:
Its funny, I wonder how many people with B_E_L_I_E_V_E in their signatures will post in this thread. Its ironic really since its a slogan stolen from the Halo 3 advertisements.

who stole it from the terrible english dubs of naruto..


Believe it !

Check out my game about moles ^

BrayanA said:

Are you serious?
This is not LBP song!!!!
This is "The Go! Team - Get It Together" song:

Like it or not MS can use it where they want as far as "The Go! Team" allow them.

THIS. No one but them owns this song.

Worst thread I've seen in a long time. Ugh.

BrayanA said:
tedsteriscool said:
Xoj said:
kowenicki said:
......and sony stole it from my cd collection..... i might sue!

Get real people, its a tune like any other tune, Sony dont own it. Do people think those songs are original songs just for the game? lol.

PS. good album... go buy it.

actually they do, its from columbia records

which is owned by sony music.


No, he is not! You are pwned

Thunder, Lightning, Strike is the debut album by The Go! Team. It was released on British label Memphis Industries in 2004

The Go! Team re-release the album again with Columbia Records, but Columbia Records don't hold the rights for any song!

The Go! Team didn't continue working with Columbia Records and labels for their second album - Proof of Youth are:

Memphis Industries (U.K.)
Sub Pop (U.S.)
Secret City (Canada)


... and BTW in music songs rights usually belongs to players, not labels. Thats why they can play their songs on concerts no mater which song, from which album, under which labels is.

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Are they crazy? I've just lost alot of respect for Microsoft right there, (I've always hated them from the start, but still).

And lol at "connect for free", the PS3 is connect for free.

kowenicki said:
Kantor said:
WheelStriker said:
Get the freak out of the gaming industry microsoft. Maybe you should sell the xbox brand to sega. That way everyone will be happy once again, like the old days.

You want them to leave the industry because they used the LBP theme song a british pop song by The Go! team in an ad?

Isn't that a bit excessive?

for completeness...

hell... I think there are some songs that are available in both Singstar and LIPS.... nooooo.... theft!!!!!!  screw you MS!!!

please... this is a stupid thread.

I know it's not Sony's song, it's just an odd choice. And on a gaming forum, particularly in the Sony section, it's probably more well known as the LBP theme song than a song by some Brighton pop band. 

I just think it's an odd choice. Microsoft aren't evil or anything.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

Haha, wow just wow, what a pathetic post!


Why not say something like that HERE on the charts hmm?


Thanks kantor, now i know of one more person on the chartz to avoid logical and "fair" gaming discussions with, good one on ya Guv'Na!.

Who the hell is fknetwork?

sabby_e17 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Kantor said:
Oh dear, fknetwork.

I don't suppose we can ban people for what they say on other sites?

Haha, wow just wow, what a pathetic post!


Why not say something like that HERE on the charts hmm?


Thanks kantor, now i know of one more person on the chartz to avoid logical and "fair" gaming discussions with, good one on ya Guv'Na!.

Who the hell is fknetwork?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

sabby_e17 said:
Are they crazy? I've just lost alot of respect for Microsoft right there, (I've always hated them from the start, but still).

And lol at "connect for free", the PS3 is connect for free.

"Are they crazy?" - No they are not

"I've just lost alot of respect for Microsoft right there" - don't lie. I'm sure you never had respect to Microsoft.

"I've always hated them from the start, but still" - prove for previous point

"And lol at "connect for free", the PS3 is connect for free." - both are connect for free. Don't mix "connect for free" with "play non-local miltiplayer for free".