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Forums - Website Topics - New Poll - why do you visit VGChartz?

Personally i go to vgc 90% for the forums and 10% of the time to see the latest movers in sales. One feature I would personally move around is the "most popular games" section.

I wouldn't recommend a "tough as nails" approach to moderation though. I feel like moderation may be a bit too strong (people get banned for being self proclaimed sony leaders for instance?)

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1. Make VGC 2.0 load faster, I still think that it loads slower than VGC 1.0 and other gaming sites.

2. The front page needs focus on Sales and Features. I miss those features, where you have roundtables, deeper analysis on sales figures, deeper analysis on trends, regional breakdowns. I would have this going horizontally right at the top with the charts as the main focus of this site, so that when someone loads the screen, its not 3 cluttered columns going down asking for your attention, but one main focus. They can scroll down for the rest.

I feel this should be the main focus because this is what distinguishes VGChartz amongst other gaming sites. Then it can be better advertised and stays longer on the front like the ODST interview. A VGChartz visitor who loads VGC should know whats happening in the 3 main regions, the hottest game sales and the exclusive VGC content instantly.

3. I would then focus on news/reviews and then the forums, and then the game content like screens and vids at the bottom. Again, each section going horizontally so that its focused, and when people scroll, its all in one section on your screen.

4. Things I think should go lower in focus or not a great idea - the rotator, game cheats, most popular games, the poll, prediction league, flash charts (the main one doesnt work on mobile).

5. As one of the site's news volunteers, I disagree with the idea of another subsite or portal for game content and news. Because I feel this is moving away from the main site and main VGC brand. I think if its just organised better, things will be fine. I think the closest example to convey a good organised site in my eyes is

dsister44 said:

Only Two people like the database


And no unless we review every game I do not see this site being known for our reviews

There won't be too many future games this site misses review wise, at least not popular titles.

I come for the chartz, relatively civil forums and the news. TBH i still go to IGN for game information, just what i'm used to and nothing against Vgchartz games database.

ioi said:

SamuelRSmith - but are people ever going to associate the VGC brand with news or videos or whatever else? If we created (and this is obviously a joke example) VGNewz, VGVideoz or whatever - so still part of the VGC brand but seperate sites in their own right - would that allow each area of the site to develop more than keeping it under the VGC brand? Or how about taking and have it link to our game DB page and rebrand it as That way people will visit it purely to look up a game and find some info on it - something they probably wouldn't do with

Alternatively we can go halfway and do, and so on - so still under the same VGC brand but now have their own domain and own identities.

Maybe I'm reading too much into domains / index pages etc - maybe it doesn't make much difference and as Taz said we simply need to get the brand out there more and tell people what they can find on VGC, this is what I'm asking you guys as users to give me your opinions on...

If you could come up with good names for VGNewz, etc, then perhaps that would be the way to go... but only if they are really good names, else, it's going to look forced and tacky.

I quite like the idea, as long as you get some kind of "in association with VGChartz", or "hoted by VGChartz", or something, just to get people to know that the two sites are linked, and to get people who stumble across to come and check out what else is offered on VGC.

Personally, I think the biggest issue is the name of the site, it's quite specific, which was fine when the site itself was very specific, but now the site's broadening, and the name doesn't allow for that. I dunno whether I would change it, though, as it could lead to backlash - thankfully, it's not my decision to make.

You should certainly advertise more. I don't know how this can be done both on a tight budget and effectively, though. The site has a huge issue with people not believing the numbers, and something needs to be changed about that - sure, you could say that it's the "fanboys" who make all the noise about inaccurate numbers - but it's these "fanboys" that make up most of the WWW, and if you want to expand, you're going to have to start attracting more of them (it's a horrible thing to consider, but look at all of the biggest sites, and tell me you can spend more than 5 minutes on the boards). Expansion will certainly lead to a devaluation of the community, unless a huge moderation team is put in place - but that impends on freedoms, and also scares away more of the people you'd want to keep.

Again, I know I'm swishing from topic to topic, but I've lost the ability to concentrate.

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I come here for the forum and community. Other forums feel devoid (IGN, Gamefaq, etc) and A LOT MORE immature and unregulated. Here, the news is either brought by users themselves, or at least users will post a news story, and we all discuss about (although it usually gets a bit fanboyish XD)

I'm starting to remember some people, and this is a major accomplishment if you want to build a community.

Oh yeah and one thing I forgot which I actually wanted to stress:

Have RSS feeds again! This is a sure fire way to bring hits up as the news comes instantly on a VGChartz feed on your RSS Reader.

ioi said:
MontanaHatchet said:

While I think this is all nice stuff, it's a bit unneeded. Gamefaqs is king on game guides, it's why they're one of the biggest sites worldwide. The other two are widely covered by big sites like Gamespot and IGN. I believe these would be useful additions, but they're not going to help the site get any bigger (content maybe, slowdown considerably). The two main draws of any video game website are content and community. Our main content consists of sales numbers, and our articles related to them (such as those from the Source), and those are the things that are the most popular. Those are the things we need to work on. The real key is making a revolution out of the content, something that would draw whole new kinds of attention. A better format would help, but this site has been stuck at the same web rank with all sorts of different formats.

And community. Well, I already ranted about that. I'd be perfectly willing to help with that if you think it will improve the site.

Yeah I think you're hitting the nail on the head. We can't really compete with other sites in terms of video content or cheats or whatever so maybe we should focus more on what we do best and maybe even look to partner with those sites to either licence or link to their content in exchange for them linking to us or using us?

At the same time (I probably sound schizophrenic but I am showing both sides to this issue) we have some great reviewers on the team, we have a huge game database - I think some of the "non-sales" features we've added are things we do better than most other sites and are a great asset to VGC along with the sales charts etc that we are best known for...

Thanks for listening. I just think that all of these additions over the past few months, as great as they are, haven't let the site grow in popularity. I support them, but they won't take us to greatness. We have a niche (sales numbers) and we need to expand on it. Adding tons of additional features is something we should once we're already a big site. The content we have is among the best. We have an awesome review team and a great team in the database (and I can attest to being part of both!).

We need to find a way to expand our niche that appeals to a greatly wider range of people. I don't where to expand, but then again, I'm not part of the numbers team. I think tracking emerging markets would be revolutionary for this site, but it's only among a couple things that could be done to expand the sales section of our site. I have a sales/database suggestion that could change the site greatly and it's been sitting in the suggestions queue for months and months now.

We need a revolution, both in the community and content. Think Nintendo. They're doing pretty well for themselves, ehh?



I guess I'm Database from the fact that it's my job...but I choose sales!

Former something....

Yeah, the database should certainly be easier to access, like through, or something.

People tend to use these kind of databases (like imdb) as a quick reference tool, just going to gamedb will be much quicker and easier for users than coming here and..... I don't even know how you get to the game database.