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1. Make VGC 2.0 load faster, I still think that it loads slower than VGC 1.0 and other gaming sites.

2. The front page needs focus on Sales and Features. I miss those features, where you have roundtables, deeper analysis on sales figures, deeper analysis on trends, regional breakdowns. I would have this going horizontally right at the top with the charts as the main focus of this site, so that when someone loads the screen, its not 3 cluttered columns going down asking for your attention, but one main focus. They can scroll down for the rest.

I feel this should be the main focus because this is what distinguishes VGChartz amongst other gaming sites. Then it can be better advertised and stays longer on the front like the ODST interview. A VGChartz visitor who loads VGC should know whats happening in the 3 main regions, the hottest game sales and the exclusive VGC content instantly.

3. I would then focus on news/reviews and then the forums, and then the game content like screens and vids at the bottom. Again, each section going horizontally so that its focused, and when people scroll, its all in one section on your screen.

4. Things I think should go lower in focus or not a great idea - the rotator, game cheats, most popular games, the poll, prediction league, flash charts (the main one doesnt work on mobile).

5. As one of the site's news volunteers, I disagree with the idea of another subsite or portal for game content and news. Because I feel this is moving away from the main site and main VGC brand. I think if its just organised better, things will be fine. I think the closest example to convey a good organised site in my eyes is