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ioi said:

SamuelRSmith - but are people ever going to associate the VGC brand with news or videos or whatever else? If we created (and this is obviously a joke example) VGNewz, VGVideoz or whatever - so still part of the VGC brand but seperate sites in their own right - would that allow each area of the site to develop more than keeping it under the VGC brand? Or how about taking and have it link to our game DB page and rebrand it as That way people will visit it purely to look up a game and find some info on it - something they probably wouldn't do with

Alternatively we can go halfway and do, and so on - so still under the same VGC brand but now have their own domain and own identities.

Maybe I'm reading too much into domains / index pages etc - maybe it doesn't make much difference and as Taz said we simply need to get the brand out there more and tell people what they can find on VGC, this is what I'm asking you guys as users to give me your opinions on...

If you could come up with good names for VGNewz, etc, then perhaps that would be the way to go... but only if they are really good names, else, it's going to look forced and tacky.

I quite like the idea, as long as you get some kind of "in association with VGChartz", or "hoted by VGChartz", or something, just to get people to know that the two sites are linked, and to get people who stumble across to come and check out what else is offered on VGC.

Personally, I think the biggest issue is the name of the site, it's quite specific, which was fine when the site itself was very specific, but now the site's broadening, and the name doesn't allow for that. I dunno whether I would change it, though, as it could lead to backlash - thankfully, it's not my decision to make.

You should certainly advertise more. I don't know how this can be done both on a tight budget and effectively, though. The site has a huge issue with people not believing the numbers, and something needs to be changed about that - sure, you could say that it's the "fanboys" who make all the noise about inaccurate numbers - but it's these "fanboys" that make up most of the WWW, and if you want to expand, you're going to have to start attracting more of them (it's a horrible thing to consider, but look at all of the biggest sites, and tell me you can spend more than 5 minutes on the boards). Expansion will certainly lead to a devaluation of the community, unless a huge moderation team is put in place - but that impends on freedoms, and also scares away more of the people you'd want to keep.

Again, I know I'm swishing from topic to topic, but I've lost the ability to concentrate.