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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who will win the next gen?



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Though Microsoft has greatly improved this gen from last gen, i don't think they can innovate as much as Nintendo can, so Nintendo wins next gen.

But Sony will win this gen thanks to the 10 year plan :D





Sega will with a launch title of Valkyria Chronicles V!

that's hard to tell because we need to see the consoles and how powerful they are.

Probably Nintendo. Apple will make a big splash, Microsoft will be in the position Sony's in right now, and Sony will end up like Sega.

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Sega will with a launch title of Valkyria Chronicles V!

lol Sure, we all know that Valkyria Chronicles are way more popular than Mario or Halo...

For the first time, everyone has a solid chance. Sony can deliver a cheap system with upgraded PSN functions. They also still have a huge brand name. MS will have a stronger brand name for next gen, and a gazillion dollars spend. Ninty will have the strongest brand and following, and have a winning motion formul.

Depends on who can please the majority. Growth and opportunities are in the motion segment. My guess is 3D will add a new dimension and attracts more gamers. With respect to 3DTV, glasses are needed. To sum it up the winner will be the one that bundles a motion controller and glasses. In theory this should be enough. HD graphics 1080P and a nice traditional controller will be a full win.

Nintendo can do this... will please all gamers or a particular group? (motion gamers)

Sega or Sony or Nintendo..........or Atari

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If I had to guess I'd say Nintendo, they have the most momentum. Sony have a good chance too, they won't make as many fuck-ups next time. MS I think are the least likely, they'll do very well, I just don't see how they can beat the other two worldwide.