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don't expect too many changes from the next president, FIFA and the its federations work like a mafia.

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

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‘Fly like a butterfly sting like a bee.’ 
I wish I was built like Mohamed Ali.
I’d sock the ball into that referee’s goal – 
He’d be happy to reach for a remote control.

Then I'd raise some funds - if necessary – 
For rose-coloured specs - so the Linesman can see.
It’s clear to the world - a goal was recorded.
They should sack the Ref and have one awarded.

Mick Jagger, it seems – ‘can’t get no satisfaction’.
Beckham’s handsome face showed his reaction.
But the one that I felt for – when they seared his soul -
Was the cheated U.K. Player, and his rejected goal.

If a Referee makes a stupid blunder – 
They should dock his pay – that’d steal his thunder!
Hit his bulging back pocket, where it really hurts.
Remember the punters are ‘losing their shirts’.

They say, all is fair in love and in war – 
So - England should be awarded a two goal score.
With their spirits high and the German side goaded 
The game might have turned – had the dice not been loaded.

As for President, Septic Blatter’s, bland blabber.
It’s like Fred Flintstone with his ‘Yabber Dabber’.
He said “Un-pure, video replays" are to be unheard of. 
To the pure all things are pure’, so what is he scared of?

They spend more time - than in a replay recording, 
Watching player’s clutching knees, for penalty awarding!
The ‘seeing eye' is here to stay – so Blatter, be warned.
It’s 2010 – A.D – and a new age has dawned.

These Games, are something you won’t hear the last of.
Looks to me like you have got a Mexican Standoff!
I guess we ask for drama in a football teaser.
When one team has a goalkeeper named Julio Caesar!

PS3beats360 said:


‘Fly like a butterfly sting like a bee.’ 
I wish I was built like Mohamed Ali.
I’d sock the ball into that referee’s goal – 
He’d be happy to reach for a remote control.

Then I'd raise some funds - if necessary – 
For rose-coloured specs - so the Linesman can see.
It’s clear to the world - a goal was recorded.
They should sack the Ref and have one awarded.

Mick Jagger, it seems – ‘can’t get no satisfaction’.
Beckham’s handsome face showed his reaction.
But the one that I felt for – when they seared his soul -
Was the cheated U.K. Player, and his rejected goal.

If a Referee makes a stupid blunder – 
They should dock his pay – that’d steal his thunder!
Hit his bulging back pocket, where it really hurts.
Remember the punters are ‘losing their shirts’.

They say, all is fair in love and in war – 
So - England should be awarded a two goal score.
With their spirits high and the German side goaded 
The game might have turned – had the dice not been loaded.

As for President, Septic Blatter’s, bland blabber.
It’s like Fred Flintstone with his ‘Yabber Dabber’.
He said “Un-pure, video replays" are to be unheard of. 
To the pure all things are pure’, so what is he scared of?

They spend more time - than in a replay recording, 
Watching player’s clutching knees, for penalty awarding!
The ‘seeing eye' is here to stay – so Blatter, be warned.
It’s 2010 – A.D – and a new age has dawned.

These Games, are something you won’t hear the last of.
Looks to me like you have got a Mexican Standoff!
I guess we ask for drama in a football teaser.
When one team has a goalkeeper named Julio Caesar!

rofl , so true haha.

Penalty time.. this has been a dull match, lucky I have only seen extra time

1st pens of the WC,

here we go,don't mind who wins

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


Around the Network

Well played by both teams. So 4 teams from CONMEBOL made it to the quarter finals. If the confederation is given many more spots though you might as well just invite everyone from there.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Poor Japs, they were all crying once the match was over. Shame really, they were the better team during the whole match and even during pens their goalkeeper almost catched two balls.

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising

Unlucky for Japan, but I think whoever wins is a bit screwed anyway

Very boring. 2 crap teams. :/

Spain vs Portugal next! C'mon Portugal!

I didn't bother to watch the whole game, Japan versus Uruguay becaise of those damn vuvuzela. As soon as a game is not very entertaining i start to get too annoyed by the sound of those horns and I dont enjoy watching.

England Germany was the only game where thw crowd noice dominated the vuvzelas sound.

For me this World Cup was destroyed by vuvuxelas.

I will watch Portgual - Spain now though. Gonna be very exciting.