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Well obviously England had to open up and lose defense... Germany didn't deserve that, it's the ref's fault.

Had it been 2-2 like it should have been, England had had a tighter defense and not let that third goal in. :/

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3-1. That's a shame they were starting to look better.

nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  that was just unfortunate.

4-1 :(  I guess I'll support Brazil now, got money on them to win.

It's just a huge scandal. This World Cup sux.

This wouldn't have happened if it was 2-2.

Around the Network

fuck, fuck, fuck

Upson is shite...we havent been anywhere near good enough, fucking shite

we need a major rethink now...

Fantastic game. Really enjoying it.

Obviously, Germany beats England. Like always and like always the English are complaining ;)

To be honest though, the refs made a really bad decision.

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pizzahut451 said:

this isnt fair. Its supposed be 2-2 now, that was a total goal, why does everyone wants USA and England to fail this WC? Im so dissapointed right now. I hate that fucking referee!!!!!!!

Well, i didn't wanted England to fail, it was a pity they had to play against Germany though.

USA on the other hand, ...they don't even call this game football ;)

4-1 now.

Slimebeast said:

It's just a huge scandal. This World Cup sux.

This wouldn't have happened if it was 2-2.

England out again, thus my interest in the World Cup dies, dunno if I can bring myself to watch any other games, I fucking hate this shit, fucks sake, and Blatter the cunt wont bring in video tech, so game changing decisions will keep being got wrong.

Revenge for '66 and the 5-1 in the qualification in the same match ?

pretty awesome