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great games tomorrow. I'd like to see England play well for once :P

and, if Mexico can hold Messi and co., they stand a chance, because everyone except Maradona knows that his defense is terrible.

btw, IMO USA paid the price for not having a reliable striker.

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

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I'm proud of the USA team and four years from now they are going to strike back!

Now Mexico faces the goliath Argentina T.T 

Gnizmo said:
Slimebeast said:

Australia is the favorite to get it in 2022. That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Indeed. I think it would be better for a OFC nation to get it, but the conference is really bad so I can see why people wouldn't want to give them an automatic spot. Still given the relative proximity it might be able to bring enough attention to the sport to get the sport to be competitive. I really wish FIFA would rotate it between the conferences. I loved that idea even though it was extremely short lived.

That's a great idea! I love waking up at 3am to watch the World Cup.

Well that's the problem. They need to take into account that the 'biggest' audience able to watch the WC on tv generates the largest revenue. It's too much about money and not enough about the sport anymore.

Just look at what the Fifa will leave behind in Africa while having made millions and millions of dollars. Is there a single township that gaines anything except temporary attention? Just invest some of your dirty money into that country for crying out loud. Even the players of Denmark, Holland and i believe France coughed up a small amount to donate a 'Cruyff court' where local kids can play soccer on a decent field with goals. Now is that so hard to do Sepp?

Wow even Obama was following the game last night ^^' (Considering he was at G20).


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I'm going to watch the germany vs england game.


Com'on England, nearly the whole world is behind you!