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extra time sorts the men out from the boys,lol

the effort footy players have to put in is huge,seems to unoticed by other sports fans

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USA was pretty terrible in the first half, but thats how they play it seems. They always have a strong second half. It will cripple them against the bigger teams, but they can still pull this out.

If not for the phantom disallowed goal during the Slovenia match they wouldn't have been in any trouble at all for qualifying going into Algeria. The second disallowed goal would have clinched a spot. They got lucky to get top spot, but they were always a favorite for runner-up.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I love extra time!

I am hoping for penalties too. I'd put Tim Howard against a most of the goalies so far in the World Cup.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229


yes real knockout stuff

by the way you don't have to justify your cutesy avatar in your sig,we know you like it.....

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2-1 Ghana!!! Bad defence, but good finish.

here we go,great goal

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Is it silver goal or full extra time?

Fucking USA defense. If they could get their shit together they would be a dangerous team. As it stands they keep throwing the matches away to stupid mistakes.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229