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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 whipping PS3 on BF1943


*Online* VG Charts Regular
Created: 5th Feb 09
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*Online* VG Charts Regular
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Created: 21st Dec 07
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My other profile was all screwed up lol and I was lurking way before I started posting :D

Also I had another one for temporary but I lost all the info and stuff.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

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BTW congrats on your 666th post... hehe

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

Garnett said:

Mafkka- Just like you did,thats why you entered here to say that to him.


He asked whats the big deal

You said that any ammuniation used against the other side makes them look cooler or w/e 

This is a BF43 thread where 360 is winning,and PS3 is losing,so you made the comment against 360 owners.

Selective perception i see.

No, I did a comment against fanboys in general. I said that threads like this matters because its ammunition against the other console. Keyword other. Upon where you joined in and tried to do a smartass comeback. Only a fanboy with his selective perception fully tuned in would turn my comment into a direct hit against 360 owners.

So.. still need some time to come out of the closet?

NanakiXI said:

BTW congrats on your 666th post... hehe

Hahaha thank you. Must be connected to the PS3 being doomed. The dark lord walks among us making sure it happens! 

Mafkka-You enter the thread to make the 360 owners seem like cyber geeks who have no life what so ever,infact humb lumi stated what you did but with less words.

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It's all good. 360 owners can have their bragging rights especially when the thread is located in the 360's Forums. I didn't realize this at first though :P

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

Garnett said:

Mafkka-You enter the thread to make the 360 owners seem like cyber geeks who have no life what so ever,infact humb lumi stated what you did but with less words.

No. I entered this thread to see what the score was since I knew that 43m would unlock the map. And the last comment was "Does this matter", upon which I saw an oppertunity to bash fanboys. Then you came along being all upset since you chose to see what you wanted to see. I must have been spot on in your case for you to react like this, so Im sorry if I hurt your feelings. Try sports, it may help you unleash some of that hate.

Mafkka- Yea you really hurt my feelings,now im gonna go cry in my corner while i wait for Coral sea to be unlocked in a few hours,while you wait a few extra days.

 You really owned me Mafkka.

nightsurge said:
Aion said:
Carl2291 said:
Maybe PS3 players are just better at staying alive and the 360 version is full of noobs?

Maybe 360 owners aren't campers?

Maybe PS3 players are just worse killers so they go around missing each other?

Lol...I think this applies to me.  I llike the game but I stink at it. Of course, I've only played 7 rounds, or less, and so that could be the reason why this happens.

@Garnett - Admittance is the first step..