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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 whipping PS3 on BF1943

Vashyo said:
well there's more players on the 360 and more shooter fans so it's rather obvious which one is gonna get the new map first.

I got the game yesterday, I pretty much only use the airplane I just love flying around and destroying other airplanes. :)

I cannot fly to save my life. You will be one of those guys who makes it all seem easy (when it isnt).

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
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welshbloke said:
Vashyo said:
well there's more players on the 360 and more shooter fans so it's rather obvious which one is gonna get the new map first.

I got the game yesterday, I pretty much only use the airplane I just love flying around and destroying other airplanes. :)

I cannot fly to save my life. You will be one of those guys who makes it all seem easy (when it isnt).

Learn to use the both rudders at the same time.  It doesnt take long to get use to barrel rolls and leading targets once you get the basics down.

Only 500 thousand to go. We should complete the challenge in a hour or two.

Sweet, after work I am going be playing some BF1943.

Maybe it's because all Playstation players have played so much MGS that it has made them better at hiding and staying alive? :D


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Yeah, or they simply have more games to play, like the competing game Warhawk which is mostly better.

But the main thing is there are less shooters fans on PS3 than on 360.

The best player in points seem to be on PSN though.

mario64 said:
Yeah, or they simply have more games to play, like the competing game Warhawk which is mostly better.

But the main thing is there are less shooters fans on PS3 than on 360.

The best player in points seem to be on PSN though.

Lol, this game demolishes Warhawk   And I bet it has more players currently playing than Warhawk does, too.

I think it would technically be 360 gamers who have "more games to play" and yet there are still more users on the 360 version of BF1943.  Weird....

@nightfanboy : I disagree, warhawk have more of everything, more vehicles, more maps, more modes. Especially with its 3 addons.

But if you've got only a 360, BF 1943 is acceptable.

And, no, 360 gamers don't have more games to play, check on metacritic, there was zero AAA exclusive on 360 this year (90+ on meta), there were 2 on PS3 (killzone 2 and MLB09).

mario64 said:
@nightfanboy : I disagree, warhawk have more of everything, more vehicles, more maps, more modes. Especially with its 3 addons.

But if you've got only a 360, BF 1943 is acceptable.

And, no, 360 gamers don't have more games to play, check on metacritic, there was zero AAA exclusive on 360 this year (90+ on meta), there were 2 on PS3 (killzone 2 and MLB09).

Tim, Warhawk was a full game release, this is a $15 arcade game.  Pretty sad when a $15 arcade game is so popular and awesome that it overshadows a full game.  Granted Warhawk is old and I'd be surprised if it still had a very active community of current players.

Oh and Tim, in case you didn't notice, 2009 is not the only year of this generation, and 90+ games are not the only games that are fun to play.  Xbox 360 has more games to play than the PS3.  This is fact.  One of the benefits of being a year older and easier to program for, I suppose

Oh yeah, in 2006/2007 360 had a few great exclusives (most of them not really exclusives since I played the best version of them on my high end PC), I didn't deny that fact.