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mario64 said:
@nightfanboy : I disagree, warhawk have more of everything, more vehicles, more maps, more modes. Especially with its 3 addons.

But if you've got only a 360, BF 1943 is acceptable.

And, no, 360 gamers don't have more games to play, check on metacritic, there was zero AAA exclusive on 360 this year (90+ on meta), there were 2 on PS3 (killzone 2 and MLB09).

Tim, Warhawk was a full game release, this is a $15 arcade game.  Pretty sad when a $15 arcade game is so popular and awesome that it overshadows a full game.  Granted Warhawk is old and I'd be surprised if it still had a very active community of current players.

Oh and Tim, in case you didn't notice, 2009 is not the only year of this generation, and 90+ games are not the only games that are fun to play.  Xbox 360 has more games to play than the PS3.  This is fact.  One of the benefits of being a year older and easier to program for, I suppose