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Forums - Sales Discussion - Uncharted 2 vs Halo 3:ODST

Steroid said:
I mean if someone is a baby and defenseless it's understandable that they would run to their momma for protection. As you get older you learn to stand up for yourself.

I like your avatar.


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lol Nice edit, seece. I liked you first answer more though ('I report you').

@kowenicki fanboy : yeah sure, but it's offtopic here.

On the first chart (gap), you can clearly see the PS3 crushed the 360 in sales before last september price cut by MS, and the gap was clearly going to zero when MS cut the price : it went from 3 million to 750 k in 2 years (we're talking about Others / Europe region here).

So there's no reason to think it will different when PS3 cuts the price. PS3 will very likely kill the 360 in sales again.

Thanks for allowing me to maka that point again.

Tony_Parker said:
@scee : Yeah, ultimately, when you ban everybody who disagrees with you, you can feel less insecure for some time.

Then again, that's what nazis did. Plus, reality always catches you back later.

@Kowenicki : What ? When did I say I disagreed with VG numbers, I don't understand. I don't know how accurate they are, but it's offtopic here.

Weekly sales are within 20% while lifetime sales are within 5% (talking about hardware here). Essentially, as more time goes by the numbers are refined and made more accurate. So while you claim weekly sales are about even you are right, they are about even and you can claim they are statistically tied. But, you are wrong in claiming that the X360 hasn't outsold the PS3 by ~600k since January 09. By staying consistantly on the high side of about even, the X360 has managed to outsell the PS3 by a significant amount over a long period of time.

What hardware sales have to do with the supposed topic at hand, I really have no idea...

EDIT: oh, and I'll also ask the insistant sony fans. Why do you think Microsoft isn't capable of cutting the price again, but Sony is even though we already know that Sony doesn't have near the cash reserves that Microsoft does?

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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Tony_Parker said:
lol Nice edit, seece. I liked you first answer more though ('I report you').

I decided to be mature and end the argument.


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Since the price cut, 360 definitely outsold the PS3. I'd say it crushed it in last holidays sales.

Right now though, as you can see on the different graphs, the sales are close between PS3 and 360.

They will stay like that until the PS3 price cut (probably soon), then it will back to PS3 winning hands down like before.


Anyone else find it crazy that there's people out there who believe that Uncharted 2 will move a significant amount of PS3 consoles, when those same people claimed that Gears 2 wouldn't move consoles because everyone that buys Gears 2 would have bought a 360 already for Gears 1?

To answer the question:

I don't think so.

@CAL4MITY : I understand what you say, but I think the point is most people who wanted a 360 already has one due to its low price, while most people wanting a PS3 are still on the sidelines due to being unable to afford one.

That's why some think uncharted 2 has more chances to make those people move...

It certainly can be discussed though.

People who own a 360 can't afford a ps3?   Whats a hundred more dollars.   A part of next weeks paycheck.  Lets be serious now.  People who own a 360 cant find enough reasons to buy a ps3 @ 400 is more like it.  Sounds like a complete waste of money when i already have a console.

@rckrz6 : The reason why people buy a PS3 and will buy it more and more is not 'the power of the cell'. It's exclusive content.

You say it's a 'waste of money'. For me it's not at all. It's more like buying a 360 is a waste of money for me if you already own a PC and a PS3 since you can play most 360 'pseudo-exclusives' on PC (alan wake, gears, halo, mass effect, L4D...).

The problem is you can't play the tons of great PS3 exclusives on 360, that's the problem :
MGS4, LBP, Ratchet, Uncharted, Valkyria, Demon's Souls, god of war 3, mag... All those games have absolutely no competitor on 360. You can argue that Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo have competitors on 360, but that's still a lot of games missing... Most of the games I listed are gems, some are even the best games this gen, and they're not on 360...