Manu_Ginobili said: @Dark_Chaos : it takes me around 45 seconds to create another account and come back with another IP among millions possibilities, so feel free to go ahead.
I'm trolling nothing, just stating facts and debating. I'm constantly under attacks by MS fanboys on the other hands. I attacked nobody but since I spoil the MS fanboy party on this site, that's me you gotta ban. Like good old nazis ? I thought freedom of speech existed in the US.
Ask yourself why you can't stand somebody disagreeing with you when he gives arguments.
Seriously, Tim_Duncan/Tony_Parker... quit making random alt accounts to troll these forums. Mods, this is a clear admission of what he is doing. Please permaban him, ban his IP range, and ban anyone who joins with similar talking traits and naming schemes such as Firstname_Lastname.
It is people like you, Tim/Tony/Manu, that ruin perfectly good websites like this. Why can't you do something more constructive with your life?