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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN AU Wii Sports Resort review

disappointing yet again

gosh, why did I not buy an xbox 360 instead of a wii!!

Please the new zelda better be good!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
bardicverse said:

Oh, those angry Aussies. I remember when I lived there. So biased, a lot of them. Hell, I had one actually try and insult me just n the spec that I was American - and this was before the Iraq war and 9/11. I think the heat makes them crazy. No telling what was up the reviewr's butt, since its winter down there.

@maykissthebride - I see you're somewhat new here. It's usually for the best to ignore Okey's posts when it's a Wii related topic, he's a cheerleader for any negative Wii news. I recommend WordsofWisdom's ignore script.

Why is that you all immediately scream bias when 99% of you haven't played the game, there are virtually no other reviews to compare this to and nothing in the past gives us reason us to believe this reviewer is a "Wii hater"?

I give up. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Wii Sports Resort is perfect and this review is full of shit. I know better than this person who has played the game extensively over the past few weeks despite the fact that I myself have never even been close to touching it in my life!

It's the new internet meme, since the Wii hasn't gotten a decent game in a while.....


That's funny. Because I'm sure that reviewers for gaming sites do the same things we do here, and understand the market the same way we do. They know that WSR isn't for the "hardcore". If I can realize that WSR is just for people looking to have a good time in sessions with their friends, I'm sure that the guys at IGN realize this too. That being said...this game just MIGHT not be that great. Is that hard to understand?


And some people said Haze was awesome too....

Lafiel said:
@ HappySqurriel )

I didn't know reviews were only written for people interested in the game.

So who are they written for?

A videogame review is not an academically styled critical evaluation of the artistic merits and themes within a videogame, it is a very technical evaluation of the game in a similar style to a car, movie, music or book review in order to inform potential buyers about the quality of a product to help guide their purchase. If you're not considering the target market you're (basically) an idiot who doesn't know what their job is.


BMaker11 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
bardicverse said:

Oh, those angry Aussies. I remember when I lived there. So biased, a lot of them. Hell, I had one actually try and insult me just n the spec that I was American - and this was before the Iraq war and 9/11. I think the heat makes them crazy. No telling what was up the reviewr's butt, since its winter down there.

@maykissthebride - I see you're somewhat new here. It's usually for the best to ignore Okey's posts when it's a Wii related topic, he's a cheerleader for any negative Wii news. I recommend WordsofWisdom's ignore script.

Why is that you all immediately scream bias when 99% of you haven't played the game, there are virtually no other reviews to compare this to and nothing in the past gives us reason us to believe this reviewer is a "Wii hater"?

I give up. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Wii Sports Resort is perfect and this review is full of shit. I know better than this person who has played the game extensively over the past few weeks despite the fact that I myself have never even been close to touching it in my life!

It's the new internet meme, since the Wii hasn't gotten a decent game in a while.....


That's funny. Because I'm sure that reviewers for gaming sites do the same things we do here, and understand the market the same way we do. They know that WSR isn't for the "hardcore". If I can realize that WSR is just for people looking to have a good time in sessions with their friends, I'm sure that the guys at IGN realize this too. That being said...this game just MIGHT not be that great. Is that hard to understand?


And some people said Haze was awesome too....

If they're so understanding of the market, then why are their opinions about a game so often so drastically different than potential buyers?

Back when I was reading the Wii Music reviews I saw many reviewers essentially look at the fact that Wii Music was not designed to be a guitar hero clone as a negative and they never (seemed to) consider that the free-form style of the game was what would attract people to it.

Yes I noticed to that IGN AU reviews of Wii games are always ... poor. They like their gamepads and shooters more. Worse for them

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In reading the review, the person seemed to complain more about what it what not -- a complete sword fight sim -- than what it was.

Some reviewers expect every aspect of a collection game to be a complete experience. It can't be and it is not supposed to be.

This is as much of a tech demo as Wii Sports. That's what it is supposed to be. Anyone who does not realize that is reviewing it inappropriately.

By the way, my copy is pre-ordered.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492



Will be interesting to see how the rest of the reviewers take to it.


HappySqurriel said:
Lafiel said:
@ HappySqurriel )

I didn't know reviews were only written for people interested in the game.

So who are they written for?

A videogame review is not an academically styled critical evaluation of the artistic merits and themes within a videogame, it is a very technical evaluation of the game in a similar style to a car, movie, music or book review in order to inform potential buyers about the quality of a product to help guide their purchase. If you're not considering the target market you're (basically) an idiot who doesn't know what their job is.


Hmm, maybe they should be somewhere inbetween? I suspect it's quite a a fine balance actually. If you go too far in letting the potential market dictate each review's scope, then in the end every one should end with a "buy" verdict ("are you a one-eyed, uncoordinated, male and dense teenager couch potato? Then this crappy shovelware with extra gore and boobs will make you happy"). Every game has some happy buyer after all :)

Seriously, I think that there's nothing wrong with reviewers checking out games that are sort of out of their turf, as long as it's very clear to the reader where they stand. From another point of view, though, it's bad for the industry as a whole - and its relationship with the public - if there's not enough variety and scope in the game critics' perspective.

So the issue should not be that IGN AU reviews badly this game, but if there will be discordant and different voices. A bit like with free press: I don't care about opinionated papers, as long as I know where they stand. What I care about is that there's plurality of voices in the press as a whole.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

IGN AU has never been bad as far as I know. I've haven't noticed their revoews as being shifty.

WSR will sell millions regardless, but really Nintendo has been working on this for years, so it should've had the same quality their AAA games (Galaxy, Zelda) should've had.

After Animal Crossing, I wouldn't be surprised if this game as well was lacking in several areas.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
RPG said:
It's that damn media bias against the Wii. It's a conspiracy I tellz ya!

Yeah, because that's what I said. -_- Stop trying to start fires where there aren't any.

No. They are really biased. They have always been. Talk to anyone else and you'll see that the game is good. Talk to a critic and the title is terrible.