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Forums - Sony Discussion - Five reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore

RolStoppable said:
Kantor said:

EDIT: Also, you got the question that nobody else got because it was about you. Feel really popular now, huh?

I think that has more to do with the lack of popularity of Unreal Talk. Think about it.

This made me laugh.

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RolStoppable said:
Kantor said:

EDIT: Also, you got the question that nobody else got because it was about you. Feel really popular now, huh?

I think that has more to do with the lack of popularity of Unreal Talk. Think about it.

A bunch of people guessed, and I got answers ranging from DMeisterJ to Benga. Nobody knew it was you

Why don't my threads get posts? Do I not spam enough? Should I send more invitations? Do I need a fanboy war?

It's all on the list for next week. Well, not the list, but a list (speaking of which, Rol, you are now on the list.)

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

izaaz101 said:
BladeOfGod said:
Rol, bist du dumm oder was?

1. Biggest Nintendo franchise is also rated E. Say hi to Mario

2. Pikachu -This little guy is sooo cute. He has been the star of NIntendo's flagship title for the most recent holiday season which once again shows that Nintendo priority aren't the hardcore gamers. Another game that is rated E for Everyone.

3.Zelda vs Mario - Yes, NIntendo showed 3 marios on E3 and no Zelda on E3. Another prof how hardcore Nintendo is.

4.Hmm... what about R1,R1,L1,L2 and R3 buttons???

5.There are also billion DS Hannah Montana bundles. Also DS has about 4 Hannah MOntana games, PSP has only 1.


1. The biggest Nintendo franchise must obviously be the franchise which contains the biggest Nintendo character. To my recollection that character is in excess of 47 feet, and is in a game where animals are forced to fight against each other for money. Seems pretty hardcore to I recall, a person was recently released from jail for the same sort of thing.

2. If you think that this (around 4:40) is cute, then you and I have very differing ideas of cute.

3. I saw Zelda artwork from E3, being shown in a secret manner, only to the hardcorest of the hardcore media.........didn't you?

4. These buttons only show that Sony has made the assumption that the people who play their games can only use extra buttons if they are clearly labelled L(eft) and R(ight). Anything more difficult, such as Z or C would blow their minds, as the kiddy players might not have the cognitive capacity to understand such things.

5. I have not seen any Hannah Montana DS bundles at all, let alone take center stage at E3, and a new colour being made specificially for that game. Sony knows their audience well. Obviously their hardcore bundles failed on the PSP, and they finally decided to stop their expansion while going back to their bread and butter - their "kiddy" persona.

1.You know that by ''biggest'' i meant most sold and most popular. Dont act like a fool, you knew what i meant.

2. Search for some costumes in LBP. Lot of them are not cute too. Sackboy is cute without costume and pikachu is cute when he's not fighting

3. I meant Zelda games,not artwork, dont act stupid again...

4.Wow, you really think people whou bought Playstations are so dumb not to remember 2 buttons???

5.Not seen any Hannah Montana DS bundles? GOOGLE IT!  And i love how are you saying PSP is kiddie by seeing only 1 girly game for it, and you KNOW ( you cant deny this) that DS has 100X more kiddie and girly games

Not your finest work, Rol.

At least we don't have to suffer through all that Wii Shovelware :p

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Microsoft is just as kiddy as Sony.

1) Sony's Gran Turismo is rated E because there isnt blood or swearing or drug use in it, and it would be stupid if they did put that stuff in. Anyways, Microsoft has Forza Motorsport.

2) Sony has Little Big Planet and Microsoft has Viva Pinata ... Both are childish games.

3) Sony isnt abbandoning hardcore gamers at all, they are trying to get a wider gaming audience, and since they already have so many hardcore games they want to get other types of games that appeal to others. Sony doesnt like to milk franchises (nintendo) like the other companies do, so they come up with new ideas and new games instead of having the same type of games every generation.

4) The face buttons on an Xbox controller are all colourful, and kids like colourful stuff.

5) Sony has tons of bundles for PSP. They have 1 for everykind of gamer. GoW: Chains of Olympus bundle is for the hardcore gamers. Madden bundle is for the sports fans. Anyways, XBOX 360 is bundled with LEGO Indian Jones and Kung Fu Panda, both are kiddy games. PS3 has a bunch of bundles, right now their main one is PAIN and Uncharted, which both games are NOT kiddy at all... They even just got a MGS4/Killzone2 bundle, 2 of the hardcorest games this generation.

zaMy said:
Microsoft is just as kiddy as Sony.


1) Sony's Gran Turismo is rated E because there isnt blood or swearing or drug use in it...

Um, no duh. That's what makes it kiddy. Only little tykes aren't man enough to handle the testosterone of blood, cussing, and blow. Hence, kiddy.

2) Sony has Little Big Planet and Microsoft has Viva Pinata ... Both are childish games.

And which company decided to make its kiddy icon its new, official mascot? Oh that's right, it was Sony.

3) Sony isnt abbandoning hardcore gamers at all, they are trying to get a wider gaming audience, and since they already have so many hardcore games they want to get other types of games that appeal to others. Sony doesnt like to milk franchises like the other companies, so they come up with new ideas and new games instead of having the same type of games every generation (nintendo).

"We're not abandoning you, we're just playing the field and seeing if we can do better. Oh, and those games we know you like? Yeah, we're not making those anymore, hint hint."

Totally not abandoning us hardcore.

4) The face buttons on an Xbox controller are all colourful, and kids like colourful stuff.

So Microsoft's target audience is also the pre-teens. But at least they're aiming for the kindergarten-and-up crowd.

5) Sony has tons of bundles for PSP. They have 1 for everykind of gamer.

"This one with Hannah Montana is for little Mandy, this one with Madden is so little Tommy can pretend he's going to be the next Brady when he grows up, and this one with Rock Band is for our family's future drummer, baby Robby. He's so adorable when he thinks he's playing music..."

BladeOfGod said:

1.You know that by ''biggest'' i meant most sold and most popular. Dont act like a fool, you knew what i meant.

2. Search for some costumes in LBP. Lot of them are not cute too. Sackboy is cute without costume and pikachu is cute when he's not fighting

3. I meant Zelda games,not artwork, dont act stupid again...

4.Wow, you really think people whou bought Playstations are so dumb not to remember 2 buttons???

5.Not seen any Hannah Montana DS bundles? GOOGLE IT!  And i love how are you saying PSP is kiddie by seeing only 1 girly game for it, and you KNOW ( you cant deny this) that DS has 100X more kiddie and girly games

1. How would I know what you are referring to? My interpretation of biggest, and your interpretation of biggest obviously differ, which is to be expected, being 2 different people.

2. Searching for "evil sackboy" nets me this result. Being the manly man that I am, in all my manliness, I balk at using the word "cute" - but in this case I will make an exception. This "evil sackboy" is cute.

3. Your statment was that Nintendo showed 3 Mario's and no Zelda's. I showed that that was false, since they did show Zelda...who cares if it's in a video form or pictoral form? Whatever the form, the message is the same - there is a new Zelda game coming. I assumed that the casual Sony related media that you follow was not privy to this hardcore meeting with Miyamoto, perhaps due to their casual nature. Or maybe they were invited, and chose to decline, because the nature of the hardcore Zelda confused and agitated them.

4. It is not me who designed the controller. It was Sony engineers. Now that I think about it, the Sony controller for all 3 systems has remained largely the this further proof that Sony believes that their audience is comprised of mostly children? I suppose you don't want to confuse children by changing things too fast, like introducing a controller that can break into 3 pieces, like with the wiimote, nunchuk and motion plus.

To further this, when the "boomerang" controller was shown at E3 2005 (?), many owners of PS2 complained very loudly and continuously, almost like a child having a temper tantrum.

5. The DS may or may not have these bundles, I don't particularly care. You can classify the DS as kiddy for whatever reasons you wish, for having pet simulation games which teach you to be a responsible pet owner, or baby simulation games which increase the likelihood of that person playing the game to become an attentive and loving parent. What Sony has done is simply catered to their audience with this bundle (as evidenced by the rousing cheer that escaped the audience when this bundle was shown) - a game starring a little girl for the little boys and little girls (ie. children) that own or want a PSP.

1 - The playstation of course is a kiddie system. It's called "play"station. If you needed to inject manly hardcoreness into the system, you might as well call it "Ultra-Extreme-Graphical Engine of blood and gore". And have it throw red paste into your face every time kratos flexes his pectorals. So hardcore.

2 - Sackboy is the god of all things casual. But you also must remember he's hardcore as well, little do you know that sackboy is little more than a copy-right infringement tool used by sony in order to steal microsoft's and nintendo's casual ideas. Because thievery is hardcore, why else do you think everyone goes evil when it comes down to moral choices? Therefor, Sackboy = Hardcore

3 - I don't have much to say about eyepet. Aside from the fact that the term "EyePet" reminds me alot of a Beholder. A Creature from myth. Infact, weren't there beholders in God of War? Wow. Even perpetuals are made out of Hardcore.

4 - Why do we even argue about controllers? Of course they are kiddy, they have at most 20 inputs. My keyboard has alot more imputs than that, I also have a mouse as well. All controllers = kiddy. Deal with it.

5 - I've noticed we've been counting alot in this thread. Are we re-learning our whole number systems? If that's the case. Let me have a go. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8... Drat.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Is it sad to say that I want Eyepet?

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