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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I am now a DSi owner!

Yes, it's true! Almost!

I recently finished studying at the gymnasium (sort of like college/high school I guess), and my mom gave me a DSi as a present (although I have yet to recieve it, as she hasn't got the money for it yet).

This means that this DSi is going to mean a lot to me, and I will be taking really good care of it, so could anyone give me some advice on how to treat it well? I know the obvious stuff like "Don't step on it" or "Don't flush it down the toilet", but if there is any not-so-obvious advice, I will be very happy to get it.

And here comes the fun part: Games!

First off, don't bother telling me about Mario or Zelda games (with the exception of the Mario & Luigi RPGs). I have had all those Mario and Zelda games recommended back and fourth, so use your post for something more useful
I am interested in knowing about the Mario & Luigi RPGs though, so please do talk about those. Along with Drawn to Life and Lock's Quest, I'd like to know more about those as well

I also really want to try out the Ace Attorney games, should I just take them chronologically, is there a better entrypoint into the series than the first one, or doesn't it matter at all?

I'll also be buying Professor Layton, Scribblenauts (which is the primary reason for why I want a DSi ) and one of the upcoming Pokemon remakes.

I'm also thinking of checking out some of Squares old games/remakes. I'm playing FF7 at the moment, and I'm certainly open to try out more games, but I'm not really sold on the genre yet.

Finally, I'm interested in seeing some info on Ghostwire. I saw the recent trailer, and I wanted to know if anyone had some more info.

Oh, and I'm not interested in GTA either

Now, fire away with some good suggestions!

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Buy Viva Pinata!

dsister44 said:
Buy Viva Pinata!

God damn it, I was thinking of adding it to my ignore-list on there, just to mess with you, and I forgot! >_<

lol kirby supere star ultra. Alsso if the shoulder buttons don't work well pull them up and blow on them

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

You can get Chrono Trigger and FF 4, both great games. And since you're interested in them, you might as well get both Mario & Luigi games for the DS, Partners in time and Bowser's inside story.

I would recommend the GBA one, but it's the damn DSi.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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The Ace Attorney's games are all great! You must start from the beginning, the story has a lot of things to find in a specific order: to enjoy the story in the better way you must start from the 1st, epic game of the series. It took me about 10-20 hours for each game to finish them (so 4 games = 50-100 hours!), you can find them very cheap now so they're a must have IMO!

CURRENTLY PLAYING: Xenoblade (Wii), Super mario 3D land (3DS), Guild Wars (PC)


c03n3nj0 said:

You can get Chrono Trigger and FF 4, both great games. And since you're interested in them, you might as well get both Mario & Luigi games for the DS, Partners in time and Bowser's inside story.

I would recommend the GBA one, but it's the damn DSi.

I'll live without the GBA one. And I have thought of getting those two, but I'm not really sure yet.

Buzzi said:
The Ace Attorney's games are all great! You must start from the beginning, the story has a lot of things to find in a specific order: to enjoy the story in the better way you must start from the 1st, epic game of the series. It took me about 10-20 hours for each game to finish them (so 4 games = 50-100 hours!), you can find them very cheap now so they're a must have IMO!

Thank you very much! Much appreciated, and that's what I will do!

killeryoshis said:
lol kirby supere star ultra. Alsso if the shoulder buttons don't work well pull them up and blow on them

Thanks for the advice. And why would I buy Kirby Super Star Ultra? Why is it good enough for me?

Buy Viva Pinata!

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

I actually just got my DSi yesterday. Black Sigil should arrive on Friday.

Picked up Mario vs Donkey Kong with 800 of my 1000 DSi points. Pretty neat game though it gets pretty tough. The first world I was getting gold stars on every stage. Now I'm getting silver stars on my first play of each stage.

NightstrikerX said:
Buy Viva Pinata!

Not you too! *wails*