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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 more wanted than playstation 3?

WW difference between Xbox and PS3 is about 8 million, lets be generous and say this gen lasts four more years for PS3 and 360, so that would mean that PS3 would have to outsell the 360 by more than 38K a week for the next four years


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

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Unless I'm looking at it wrong, the 360 is also 2nd place in Europe.

And europe too.

WheelStriker said:

A part of the world but it is NOT the whole world, as some people make it seem (npd comes to mind). America is probably the only region where the xbox 360 is second place. But every where else, it's last.

But the 360 still has the lead in Others. People downplay how good the 360 is actually doing. Even if it only sold a million in Japan so far, that's still much better than the original Xbox did.

Either way, the PS3 is doing horrible. Sony went from record breaking sales to being the Xbox's bitch. The mighty have fallen.

WheelStriker said:

A part of the world but it is NOT the whole world, as some people make it seem (npd comes to mind). America is probably the only region where the xbox 360 is second place. But every where else, it's last.

LOL. THe only place PS3 is beating 360 is in Japan. Take of ur fanboy goggles.

WheelStriker said:

"Who cares if the PS3 wins in those regions? The 360 still has a HUGE advantage in WW sales and that continues to grow every week"

I sense an xbot.

Anyways, the xbox 360 has a 30 million unit sales worldwide right? But is it really "worldwide"? The reason why the xbox 360 has more sales than the playstation 3 overall is because of american sales (8 million lead worldwide). In america , the xbox 360 has sold 17 million units whereas playstation 3 has sold 8.5 million units. The difference between those sales in america is 8 million. 

8 million lead worldwide. 8 million lead in america. Makes sense to me. Not really worldwide is it?


America is part of the world. Get it through ur head. America is the biggest software seller and argubly the most important region. When PS2 was king with over 50 Million sales it was part of its ww number. So why not 360?

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Dark Chaos said:
WheelStriker said:

"Who cares if the PS3 wins in those regions? The 360 still has a HUGE advantage in WW sales and that continues to grow every week"

I sense an xbot.

Anyways, the xbox 360 has a 30 million unit sales worldwide right? But is it really "worldwide"? The reason why the xbox 360 has more sales than the playstation 3 overall is because of american sales (8 million lead worldwide). In america , the xbox 360 has sold 17 million units whereas playstation 3 has sold 8.5 million units. The difference between those sales in america is 8 million. 

8 million lead worldwide. 8 million lead in america. Makes sense to me. Not really worldwide is it?


America is part of the world. Get it through ur head. America is the biggest software seller and argubly the most important region. When PS2 was king with over 50 Million sales it was part of its ww number. So why not 360?

because the wii it's the one leading.


and the difference between the ps3 and 360 is not big, nintendo on the other way around is.

then japan makes up quite of the sales lost, and europe and others will likely being sony reign.

Xoj said:
Dark Chaos said:
WheelStriker said:

"Who cares if the PS3 wins in those regions? The 360 still has a HUGE advantage in WW sales and that continues to grow every week"

I sense an xbot.

Anyways, the xbox 360 has a 30 million unit sales worldwide right? But is it really "worldwide"? The reason why the xbox 360 has more sales than the playstation 3 overall is because of american sales (8 million lead worldwide). In america , the xbox 360 has sold 17 million units whereas playstation 3 has sold 8.5 million units. The difference between those sales in america is 8 million. 

8 million lead worldwide. 8 million lead in america. Makes sense to me. Not really worldwide is it?


America is part of the world. Get it through ur head. America is the biggest software seller and argubly the most important region. When PS2 was king with over 50 Million sales it was part of its ww number. So why not 360?

because the wii it's the one leading.


and the difference between the ps3 and 360 is not big, nintendo on the other way around is.

then japan makes up quite of the sales lost, and europe and others will likely being sony reign.

8 million is a big difference considering the gap is getting bigger. When will Sony take care of that small problem?

Orca_Azure said:
$199 vs $399 but that fails to include a hard drive (add 100 for a good one) and the wifi capability (add another 100 if you want to buy the official MS one) and the price of xbox live.

$399 (and xbox live) vs $399
In that regard ps3 is considerably cheaper

i can agree with the rest of your post but wifi is a needless add on that provides inferior servile and only dirves up cost, im still surprised the ps3 did not have that removed before it had BC removed. 


Wifi should be an option not a requirement



however i do agree harddrives should be mandatory, so i dont start the 360 until 299 in my mind, and its a dman shame MS stepped back in terms of hardware when it went from the xbox to the 360 in these terms 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I have ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of economics. However, wouldn't the way to find out simply be by offering someone a choosing of a FREE Xbox 360 or a FREE PS3?

goddog said:
Orca_Azure said:
$199 vs $399 but that fails to include a hard drive (add 100 for a good one) and the wifi capability (add another 100 if you want to buy the official MS one) and the price of xbox live.

$399 (and xbox live) vs $399
In that regard ps3 is considerably cheaper

i can agree with the rest of your post but wifi is a needless add on that provides inferior servile and only dirves up cost, im still surprised the ps3 did not have that removed before it had BC removed. 


Wifi should be an option not a requirement



however i do agree harddrives should be mandatory, so i dont start the 360 until 299 in my mind, and its a dman shame MS stepped back in terms of hardware when it went from the xbox to the 360 in these terms 

I agree however it was either a HDD or 512 MB of ram. Personally i would rather the ram but both would have been awesome

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