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Forums - Sales Discussion - More people in US with a HD DVD player than Blu-ray

Actually. I may be wrong. Maybe 9% of the US population do own a Ps3.

sales of HD DVD players (11% in 2009 vs. 6% in 2008) are up over 2008 by about the same margin as Blu-ray players (7% in 2009 vs. 4% in 2008). Both were rivaled by the Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (9% vs. 5%).

It says there HD-DVD and Blu-ray were rivaled by the Ps3.... OMG VGC BIASED AGAINST PS3 CONFIRMED!

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JEDE3 said:
Actually. I may be wrong. Maybe 9% of the US population do own a Ps3.

sales of HD DVD players (11% in 2009 vs. 6% in 2008) are up over 2008 by about the same margin as Blu-ray players (7% in 2009 vs. 4% in 2008). Both were rivaled by the Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (9% vs. 5%).

It says there HD-DVD and Blu-ray were rivaled by the Ps3.... OMG VGC BIASED AGAINST PS3 CONFIRMED!

You better send hate mail to NPD too.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

lol remember when the hd-dvd add-on for the 360 got discounted to $50, I'm guessing a bunch of people bought them after that. I was pretty tempted to buy one myself. haha what if hd-dvd comes back from the dead and wins the war? Most epic comeback ever ;)


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

Reasonable said:
Not a surprise. Until PS3 hit things were looking good for HD.

If I was behind Blu I'd be considering some sort of amnesty to allow people to trade in. Anyone with HD DVD I'd assume was keen on HD films but is sticking with what they have and films they bought for the moment due to economy.

Mind you, swapping Blu-Ray players and movies for HD DVD equivilents would be a costly business. But just think of the install base boost - and hopefully once 'converted' they'd start buying HD movies again.

warner brothers does:

Reasonable said:
Not a surprise. Until PS3 hit things were looking good for HD.

If I was behind Blu I'd be considering some sort of amnesty to allow people to trade in. Anyone with HD DVD I'd assume was keen on HD films but is sticking with what they have and films they bought for the moment due to economy.

Mind you, swapping Blu-Ray players and movies for HD DVD equivilents would be a costly business. But just think of the install base boost - and hopefully once 'converted' they'd start buying HD movies again.

thats actually a good idea except for the fact that this survey can possibly beither up to date or real. I doubt that many people have HDDVD players and certainly not enough to really boost blu rays install base enough to warrant exchanging them. However thats a brilliant idea none the less

Long Live SHIO!

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thats nice but i will care when any new movie comes out for all these HD DVD players... untill then ill be enjoying all my NEW movies on blu-ray

"Just one in ten Americans (11%) own a HD DVD player while 7% own a Blu-ray player. Looking at the other devices for playing HD DVDs, 9% own a Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (which plays Blu-ray ) and 3% have the external HD DVD drive for the Xbox® 360 (which plays HD DVDs)."

Maybe I misread that, but I doubt I misread the chart where it says Total (%) of Sony Playstation 3 for 2009: 9. Page 3 of report.

Small, non representative data set (online respondents), does not usually make for good data. 

The report also claims that 13% of Americans own a 360.  So... 306,000,000 *.13 = 40 Million 360's sold in US. Again, not likely.

The data is seriously skewed towards people who have ready access to a computer and the internet.  People who we would expect to buy more technology in general, and probably gaming devices.  Hence the skewed results. 

As such, particularly taking into account the small # of respondents, the report isn't really indicative of much. 

nordlead said:
JEDE3 said:
Actually. I may be wrong. Maybe 9% of the US population do own a Ps3.

sales of HD DVD players (11% in 2009 vs. 6% in 2008) are up over 2008 by about the same margin as Blu-ray players (7% in 2009 vs. 4% in 2008). Both were rivaled by the Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (9% vs. 5%).

It says there HD-DVD and Blu-ray were rivaled by the Ps3.... OMG VGC BIASED AGAINST PS3 CONFIRMED!

You better send hate mail to NPD too.

I'm on it!

"Dear NPD, VGC, and numerous other tracking companies, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! - Anonymous"

Now that I think about it more, there are probably a lot of confused people thinking/responding that their upscaling DVD player = HD-DVD. This makes more sense because those things are way cheaper than a blu-ray player, and do a fine job in most people's eyes. I guess it's still an "epic fail" if the pollster's used this data as true HD-DVD data though.

Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360

It wouldn't surprise me if this was true ...

HD-DVD was the favoured format for stand alone players because the player was dramatically less expensive, the movies were less expensive, and the movies lacked "Features" (like unskipable ads) that annoyed potential buyers. Blu-Ray won becase the adpotion rate of a new videogame system is much faster than a new movie format, and (even though gamers buy less movies than movie collectors) the vast number of gamers who bought a couple of movies to play in their PS3 pushed Blu-Ray over the top.

The side effect of HD-DVD losing was that the player prices were slashed (often below the cost of a upscaling DVD player) and movie prices were slashed (often below the DVD version) resulting in HDDVD being a great bargain if you were willing to acept that you'd have to replace your movies in a couple of years (or live without them); and in some cases movie producers have offered trade-ins for Blu-Ray versions of the movie, and some people have picked up movies like Batman Begins or Transformers for $2 on HD-DVD and converted them to Blu-Ray for $5 a piece.


Ultimately, the adoption of Blu-Ray is following the same trend that the adoption of most things HD has gone ...

People assumed it would be a smashing success out of the gate, and then they assume that it is only 12 months away from the mainstream desperately wanting it, but most people were satisfied enough with what they had and will wait intil they're "Forced" to upgrade or until there is no benefit for sticking with the technology they have.