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"Just one in ten Americans (11%) own a HD DVD player while 7% own a Blu-ray player. Looking at the other devices for playing HD DVDs, 9% own a Sony PLAYSTATION®3 (which plays Blu-ray ) and 3% have the external HD DVD drive for the Xbox® 360 (which plays HD DVDs)."

Maybe I misread that, but I doubt I misread the chart where it says Total (%) of Sony Playstation 3 for 2009: 9. Page 3 of report.

Small, non representative data set (online respondents), does not usually make for good data. 

The report also claims that 13% of Americans own a 360.  So... 306,000,000 *.13 = 40 Million 360's sold in US. Again, not likely.

The data is seriously skewed towards people who have ready access to a computer and the internet.  People who we would expect to buy more technology in general, and probably gaming devices.  Hence the skewed results. 

As such, particularly taking into account the small # of respondents, the report isn't really indicative of much.