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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Check Out 360's 1080p Smooth Streaming Tech Now

Im not sure i get this? What is this and why is it so WOW!?

This is a full hd stream to your Console right? Haven't you been able to do so before? Or what? I dont get it? Please explain. Because atm i run PS3 Media Server with full hd stream from my server to my PS3 on a daily basis.. and have been for the last 8 months or so, but whats the difference with this thing? Is this like NetFlix but with full HD so that you have to subscribe and/or buy your movies, and once you done so the stream starts?

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oops...clicked post by mistake...

Jereel Hunter said:
kanariya said:
Generally the internet connection standard in US is pretty crap.

Living in a big city like NYC with the fastest option is a 3mb/sec DSL is pure crap.
Verizon has been marketing FIOS for over 2 years and only a small portion of the city is covered.

Nice to see the technology advancing but the infrastructure is just not there yet ATM for the mass.

Really? it's that bad? I'm surprised. I live a couple miles outside of boston, and cable/FIOS offers 20-50mb/s pretty much everywhere. And most areas can get solid numbers, first time I ever clocked my connection I actually got the full 20mb/s.


I mean, I wouldn't expect the same speed out in the boonies, and yeah, we're a long way before most people have access to that... I'm just surprised you have to settle for that in NYC.


Yea I've been waiting for FIOS since the day they announced it and still no words now, other than a couple areas.

There are actually a theoretically faster option, which is the cable. But with the mass population here you don't want to imagine the traffic in peak hours. And I heard so many complains about the soft cap limit by the crap cable company.


I'm not sure how's the compression quality with this MS tech, but I wasn't impressed with the video quality over my 3mb DSL with netflix. =\

MAFKKA said:
Im not sure i get this? What is this and why is it so WOW!?

This is a full hd stream to your Console right? Haven't you been able to do so before? Or what? I dont get it? Please explain. Because atm i run PS3 Media Server with full hd stream from my server to my PS3 on a daily basis.. and have been for the last 8 months or so, but whats the difference with this thing? Is this like NetFlix but with full HD so that you have to subscribe and/or buy your movies, and once you done so the stream starts?

This isn't for streaming from your own network, not that it could not be done over your own network, just that it would be unnecessary.  This is a general technology for streaming video over the internet.  Currently it is being used in MS's Silverlight, but it will most likely be used in everything in the near future, unless of course MS has patents around some of the innards.

It is neat in that it start instantly and will dynamically adjust to the bit rate of your connection.  As an example, Netflix Instant Streams will actually stop if your connection degrades to the point where the buffer has emptied, and then restart at a lower quality.  Using this Smooth Streaming, the stop isn't necessary because the buffer is being dynamically adjusted to the best bit rate possible.  What intrigues me is how the system is loading data into the buffer.  There is some pretty fancy stuff going on there. 

I wonder if they are now going to be going to a one charge fits all model instead of charging more for an HD video.  Who is to say someone pays for an HD video but their connection only allows for SD quality.  Probably will be up to the consumer to know to just get the SD version.

kanariya said:
Generally the internet connection standard in US is pretty crap.

Living in a big city like NYC with the fastest option is a 3mb/sec DSL is pure crap.
Verizon has been marketing FIOS for over 2 years and only a small portion of the city is covered.

Nice to see the technology advancing but the infrastructure is just not there yet ATM for the mass.

Same here I love in downtown Manhattan and we still don't have it. I've talked to Verizon and they have no clue when it's coming but they do know that the wait list is very long.

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LOL, not quite. The PQ is ok, but not 1080P quality. The movies I get from the PSN look better and can be streamed as well. Its a cool feature, but a PR stunt for sure. When the quality overall is the same as on a BD media, it will be cool. Until then, its no better than what the PS3 already offers its customers. It is however better than what is currently offered on the 360.

darendt said:
LOL, not quite. The PQ is ok, but not 1080P quality. The movies I get from the PSN look better and can be streamed as well. Its a cool feature, but a PR stunt for sure. When the quality overall is the same as on a BD media, it will be cool. Until then, its no better than what the PS3 already offers its customers. It is however better than what is currently offered on the 360.

ok whatever makes you happy.

darendt said:
LOL, not quite. The PQ is ok, but not 1080P quality. The movies I get from the PSN look better and can be streamed as well. Its a cool feature, but a PR stunt for sure. When the quality overall is the same as on a BD media, it will be cool. Until then, its no better than what the PS3 already offers its customers. It is however better than what is currently offered on the 360.

What a troll.

PSN movies stream instantly...if they are SD. If you are wathing HD, you need a 20-30 minute head start to avoid the "buffering" pop up.

The main point here is the PSN movies still download in either 1080p,720p or 480i...the Xbox live movies will soon have a variable resolution and quality based on your internet connection. This is what Microsoft is bragging about here...

I topped out at 1.13M 24-25 frames and it stayed that way. But broadband speed tests tell me I have 2.25M. I dunno, obviously wasn't really high-def for me but regardless it was the most impressive, most stable streaming I've ever seen over my connection.

NKAJ said:
XxXProphecyXxX said:
NKAJ said:
selnor said:
WereKitten said:

selnor said:


Alot of people have 400+ dvd's and just cant be arsed to rebuy the films all again in Blu Ray. Then after another 5 years buy again on Blu Ray's successor.


Can't find the logic in this statement when comparing BluRay to streaming.

With both BluRay and streaming you keep your old DVDs, you have to pay if you want one of your movies in a higher quality format. Actually the BluRay player will play your 400 DVDs, your streaming mediabox is not even necessarily equipped with an optical reader.

How can you miss the point. Streaming in 1080p is easily obtainable. Thanks to M$ new technology.

It costs around £1 for me to watch HD 720p films off Live right now. For me to watch 720p Blu Ray film it costs me £17.99 brand new or £5 rental. Now do the math. From here on in on my Xbox 360 I ( and my friend ) can play all your existing DVD's on it and have the choice to play HD movies at a fraction of the cost of even buying a DVD.

You'll be saving yourself literally thousands of GBP by using Streaming services for the rest of your life instead of rebuying collections every new format.

August brings me here in the UK Sky via my 360. With HD 1080p streaming coming to it's the complete package. I will never need to buy another film. I'll save thousands like I said in my lifetime. Thats a new car, or holidays. College for my daughter. £5.99 gets you as many films streamed as you want when you want monthly in America. UK service is now not far away. And 1080p film access as good as what this thread shows is astonishing. And it ran in Dolby Digital 5.1 without a pause. Impressive to say the least.

My point was is Blu Ray will never hit even half DVD marketshare now. People will likely stick with DVD. Those who can afford Blu Ray likely can afford a good internet connection and will be able stream for less than half the price Blu Ray would cost you in your lifetime. Picture quality is now a moot subject. What we all just saw was amazing picture clarity.

once again slenor is determined to prove Microsoft is best

I tought every one know this by now....=.=


You guys should at least try and post on topic before attacking someone.  You know, add something to the thread instead of automatically trying to go on the offensive and derail the thread.  I haven't looked at your posting history, but I would bet its as one sided as Selnor's is.


On Topic:  This is pretty good quality stuff here.   It still may have some issues but hopefully they will be ironed out quick enough.   I am a firm believer in everything eventually becoming digital download.   Even though I like physically owning content, im afraid eventually we will not have this option, or it will be much much more expensive to own it.   It is just a matter of time until digital download takes off, and this new tech just speeds the switchover up.

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Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!