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Jereel Hunter said:
kanariya said:
Generally the internet connection standard in US is pretty crap.

Living in a big city like NYC with the fastest option is a 3mb/sec DSL is pure crap.
Verizon has been marketing FIOS for over 2 years and only a small portion of the city is covered.

Nice to see the technology advancing but the infrastructure is just not there yet ATM for the mass.

Really? it's that bad? I'm surprised. I live a couple miles outside of boston, and cable/FIOS offers 20-50mb/s pretty much everywhere. And most areas can get solid numbers, first time I ever clocked my connection I actually got the full 20mb/s.


I mean, I wouldn't expect the same speed out in the boonies, and yeah, we're a long way before most people have access to that... I'm just surprised you have to settle for that in NYC.


Yea I've been waiting for FIOS since the day they announced it and still no words now, other than a couple areas.

There are actually a theoretically faster option, which is the cable. But with the mass population here you don't want to imagine the traffic in peak hours. And I heard so many complains about the soft cap limit by the crap cable company.


I'm not sure how's the compression quality with this MS tech, but I wasn't impressed with the video quality over my 3mb DSL with netflix. =\