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Forums - Sony Discussion - Capcom on PS3 Monster Hunter: "Never Say Never"

Soriku said:

lol, what kind of stupid argument are you making now? More like it isn't. And the PS2 is on its deathbed? And we're in this gen of consoles? That's like saying why'd Capcom move RE, DMC, etc. to the HD consoles when their fanbase was there >.>

The same "argument" that you were making.


TGS this year for PS3 will be amazing.

Grandia comes to PSN(PSone classic).

First Versus gameplay this year.

The Adventures Of Duane and Brando

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PS3 will get at least 1 MH before its time is up, thats a fact

psrock said:
Soriku said:
All MHs are on PSP though. I'd expect them to make a MHF3 for PSP later to not cannibalize MH3 sales.

You doubt MH3 will sell 1 mil LTD? lol, you're going to be surprised when it blows past that.

The rest of your post is speculation. Plus, port a Wii game to PS3? lol.

well, it could sell more, but that wouldnt  stop a PS3 version if Capcom wanted to, but it wont happen, they took it away from the PS3 to begin with. I wish the game sucess, it looks really good.

I don't think the PS3 userbase would be pleased with just a port of the Wii version, they'd have to add a lot of graphical enhancements and extras, now the question is, would the cost of added dev justify? Capcom isn't a global giant by any means, they have to be pretty careful.

MH Belongs with PSP enough said. >:(

I don't know about a PS3 version, but I'll bet my left nut there'll be a MHP3 at some point.

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Soriku said:
What are you talking about?

If you're talking about the switch from PS2 to PSP then ask Capcom. MH actually found success with the PSP, there's no guarantee a PS3 MH would find more success than MH3. And it's a lot more expensive remember? Which is the reason Capcom switched to Wii.

NO ITS NOT SORIKU...Capcom switched to Wii because of its small userbase at the time.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
MH Belongs with PSP enough said. >:(

in Japan metro areas you mean, you don't get that kind of luxury everywhere in the world. I can't see myself being able to play it with other people much in the US.

Xxain said:
Soriku said:
What are you talking about?

If you're talking about the switch from PS2 to PSP then ask Capcom. MH actually found success with the PSP, there's no guarantee a PS3 MH would find more success than MH3. And it's a lot more expensive remember? Which is the reason Capcom switched to Wii.

NO ITS NOT SORIKU...Capcom switched to Wii because of its small userbase at the time.

more like smaller userbase on top of higher dev cost, both are valid so you are both right.

but...but... HD gra-fix!!11

Soriku said:

Probably true but that's not the initial reason they gave :P

But the Wii still has the bigger userbase. And will have the MH fanbase migrate to it because of MH3.

Tbh I don't know why you guys are taking a vague PR statement seriously. They said the same about SFIV for Wii, but I doubt we'll see that =/

dude the intial reason they gave WAS PR!!!! think Capcoms gonna say " yea guys, we moved MH over because we feared PS3 small userbase at the time, Sorry for screwin you over SONY Camp" come on Soriku dont believe everything you hear..everything is PR official or not....MH PS3 Will happen.