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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If the Next Nintendo Console is Like the Wii...

tedsteriscool said:

I'm sorry that I sat here trying to come up with a good conversation starter with some serious questions. Maybe I'll just stay out of the Wii forum if I'm going to be attacked like this within 30 minutes of starting a new thread.

No doubt the guy is hostile, but it's not as if it's completely unwarranted. The thread doesn't even make much sense in the first place - it's like saying, "What if the next PS is like the PS3? Launches at $600, no (or minimal) motion controls, few games at launch, etc..."

Does that make any sense?

By the way, claiming the Wii is not a console for gamers is obviously an insult to the fans of the console. I'd expect hostility at that point.

edit: forgot to refresh, so replied to an old post

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If the next console is like the Wii....

1.If the next Nintendo Console is like the Wii: like meaning it does something new and innovative and takes the market by storm - then yes it will sell like hotcakes.

2.If the next Nintendo Console is like the Wii: like meaning SD graphics and the same controls - then no it will not sell that well.

Fortunately for us gamers Nintendo has already said their next console will have HD and it's a pretty safe bet it will have something new and innovative in terms of controls. So I think scenario 1 is more likely and that is a good thing for gamers.

Now to address you - your obviously a upstream market enthusiast in the Video Game market, you only like games that are the biggest, the baddest, have the best graphics, etc. which is great and gamers like you help push the industry along in its already preset ways but you have to accept that you are the minority (and always have been) and you are becoming even more of a minority with the inclusion of new groups of people into the video game market mainly because of Nintendo with the DS and Wii (although Microsoft and Sony are having a go at it as well).

It's fine that you like "blood, guns, and boobs" as you put it and without looking at your profile I'm guessing you around 18-20 years old (male) and are quite competitive (maybe in sports but definitely in video games), this conclusion is backed up by how defensive you got when someone insinuated you were overcompensating for small genitalia. You are part of the group of people that Sony brought into video gaming with the PS1 and Microsoft has tailored mainly to with their consoles (although they have been trying to broaden lately) but the tradtional gamer is the person who saved the Princess in Mario on the NES, who declared their allegience to the SNES or Genisis or marveled at the 3D world of Super Mario 64 or yes killed a hooker to get your money back in GTA:3. A traditional gamers plays games because they are fun - not only because they have childish/"mature" things in them like "blood, guns, and boobs" and despite the vocal nature of your segment of gamers you are outnumbers - by a lot - by people who play games to have fun.

Currently dreaming of: DKC4 or Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (classic 2D platformers) for WiiWare, Smash Bros. for DSi, New Super Mario World for DSi, a Wii remake or true sequel of Final Fantasy Tactics.

One down, hopefully more awesomeness to come.

tedsteriscool said:
Khuutra said:
Please don't tell me that you use "gamer" to refer to a lifestyle, as a person who defines themselves by video games

Most people on this website don't do that

I define "gamer" as someone who want the newest, highest quality games. The people who use gamerankings to prove a point. They devote at least a couple hours a day to games that don't involve exercising or brain training. They like guns, blood, and boobs.

I think that applies to me.

That doesn't have anything to do with being a gamer, it just proves that people don't understand how reviews work if they think gamerankings means anything more than reading a single trustworthy review.

Again that applies to me, though I did try Kawashima's Brain Training on my cousins hacked (R4) DS... I preferred it to Mario Kart DS, it's a very fun game, I perhaps would have liked Mario Kart DS more with some more time, as I just wasn't used to steering with a d-pad, but that doesn't take away Brain Training being a very good game.... as for excercising, well I don't have Wii Fit, though I sure could use it, but Wii Sports has become one of my all time favourite games, that is slightly excercising I suppose.

Again that has nothing to do with being a gamer.... the majorty of males like guns and boobs, and a lot are at least passive about blood, those that have an obsession about having them in as many games as possible though are just immature.

So 2 of those I directly apply to, the other two I have proved have nothing to do with your point other than your skewed view of what a "gamer" is.

tedsteriscool said:
Shanobi said:
tedsteriscool said:
Bobbuffalo said:
^well that explain everything. good evening.

Good evening ^.^


Pease don't re-visit this thread. I want to keep in civilized. No buffalos allowed.


He answered your lame thread with a serious reply, and then you make some cryptic statement that sounds like you have a rebuttal but you say nothing, then you tell him to leave.




And FYI, gamers like the Wii. Don't believe the hype.

I'm sorry but I don't want his hostility in here. Here are some examples from his reply:

"THOUSANDS of times" um...hyperbole much? Sorry that I don't know every Iwata quote.

"...dont give a damn..." thats nice.


" have realized that by now" Um, no I haven't sorry.


But this is the one I take offense to: "this kind of threads are ridiculous. Move on."

- I'm sorry that I sat here trying to come up with a good conversation starter with some serious questions. Maybe I'll just stay out of the Wii forum if I'm going to be attacked like this within 30 minutes of starting a new thread.

Look, the whole reason I called this thread "lame", is because your premise is silly. It's not even in reality.


As has been stated, Nintendo have many times said that they decided to sit out of HD for *this generation*, because the adoption rate of HD televisions was incredibly low, and the public was not demanding it. They have also said that their next console will address HD. This smites almost all of your theory/ question.


The rest of your question basically assumes Nintendo isn't going to introduce anything new on their next system. I'm sure their research and development teams are just resting on their laurels, praying for the day that Microsoft and Sony can come in and steal Nintendo's customer base, because suddenly Nintendo isn't going to do anything different.


Last I checked, the company that pioneers innovation is Nintendo. So unless there is some new history that's happening, and unless they are lying about HD in their next system, and unless they are also lying about looking into the next phase of their blue ocean strategy, I'm guessing they are going to come out with something that both builds on their Wii concept, and takes it further.


Honestly, this is a silly, silly thread, and a silly question.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

tedsteriscool said:
Khuutra said:
Please don't tell me that you use "gamer" to refer to a lifestyle, as a person who defines themselves by video games

Most people on this website don't do that

I define "gamer" as someone who wants the newest, highest quality games. The people who use gamerankings to prove a point. They devote at least a couple hours a day to games that don't involve exercising or brain training. They like guns, blood, and boobs.


Kid, you are clueless what gaming is all about if that's what you believe.

A gamer is somebody who wants to spend time playing videogames that THEY enjoy. Not that are predetermined by other people. Especially not zit-laden, angsty teens.

People who use Gamerankings to prove points do so because they can't prove points, make arguments, or think for themselves. It's one thing to look at game reviews, it's another thing to live and breathe by them, holding them up as law. If you do this, then you will miss out on many great games, because you need somebody else to tell you what is good. And guess what? People don't always agree. Do you look to movie critics to tell you what movies you should like? If your favorite album gets slammed in reviews, by an overwhelming majority of critics, does your favorite album suddenly suck?

Many of us have put in more hours of gaming than you'll ever experience. We've beaten Metal Gear, conquered Gannon, slain the zombies, beat Tyson, bought nearly every system that's ever been released on the day it was released, AND WE ALSO PLAY BRAIN TRAINING AND WII FIT.

Those guns, blood, and boobs are fine and dandy, but if that's what it takes to define a person as a gamer, or a grown up, then that person is neither.

Don't look to others to tell you what is good and what isn't. 


But hey, if you want to turn to Gamerankings and Metacritic to make your decisions for you, your CD player will LOVE this:    



Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

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Nintendo confirmed that their next console will be hd(720p or 1080p) so if we will get enough core support from 3rd party publishers that will create quality games similar to ps360 titles it will do even better.

I'd be surprised if Nintendo's console was just a more powerful Wii.

I do think they will probably have a very similar controller....but I'd be very surprised if there wasn't at least one major innovation in control or display.

It might be the weakest of the next gen consoles, but it will at least be >= the best of this gen console. So better than PS3 at a minimum in terms of CPU and graphics and media (at least blu ray capacity, unless they decide to mainly do digital download).

It's online and internal storage will be improved. In fact, it will likely have holographic storage.

Like the wii, the emphasis will be on ease of access and fun.

tedsteriscool said:
Khuutra said:
Please don't tell me that you use "gamer" to refer to a lifestyle, as a person who defines themselves by video games

Most people on this website don't do that

I define "gamer" as someone who wants the newest, highest quality games. The people who use gamerankings to prove a point. They devote at least a couple hours a day to games that don't involve exercising or brain training. They like guns, blood, and boobs.

Haha, WHAT? That's how I define "loser". Thanks for the laugh, though!


SJGohan3972 said:

but the tradtional gamer is the person who saved the Princess in Mario on the NES, who declared their allegience to the SNES or Genisis or marveled at the 3D world of Super Mario 64 or yes killed a hooker to get your money back in GTA:3. A traditional gamers plays games because they are fun - not only because they have childish/"mature" things in them like "blood, guns, and boobs" and despite the vocal nature of your segment of gamers you are outnumbers - by a lot - by people who play games to have fun.

Damn straight! (Except the killing hookers in GTA:3 part)

coolestguyever said:
If the next one is like the Wii I can tell you one thing, I won't buy it.

Nothing to add to that comment. Agreed completely.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.