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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid Other M- What is the other M? my theory:

Ok. lets have first, a look at the trailer. Right at the end a girl seems to be saying something like "I am Samus Aran". If this person is indeed samus. Then ho is in the power suit. Also, if you put the letter "m" in fron of the word "other" you get the word "mother". Could this person in the powersuit be samus' mom? Also. Take the first letter from each word in the title of the game (m)etroid (o)ther (m). Or MOM. Everything seems to point to something about samus' mother. Or maybe the original mother of the metroids? What do you guys think?

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Sounds about right.


could be an interesting concept

wasnt samus' parents killed in a space pirate raid? i remember reading it in a comic online. btu thats not a bad theory. maybe samus is a mother herself. who knows.


@ TX109- this is true. Maybe she came back lol people allways come back in video games ;). I liked the idea of her being a parent as well.

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I was thinking that there's another metroid, hence the other M(etroid). But your theory sounds very plausible but one thing puzzles me, how could have Virginia Aran survived the attack by ridley on her mining colony k-2L? unless if your right then the game will explain everything since they did say Other M was going to reveal more about past Samus's past including a relationship.

Yes, Samus is an orphan. That's why she harbors her hatred of Space Pirates. And i believe it's Samus herself (the one in the power suit), who says "I am Samus Aran," not the blonde woman in the lab coat.


Could be a sister, maybe. Don't know.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I don't think it's that complex probably just meaning a new breed of metroids, that's my theory.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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I love these theory threads, gets you excited for something that could totally be wrong, but it's still fun. Kind like the Metal Gear Solid page. One about her mom could be interesting and a sister would be better I think. Could make a Co-OP Metroid in the future.

yeah the guessing is fun. especially since they made that last part of the trailer look so mysterious and interesting. the way the woman in the lab coat looked at samus just gives you that feeling she knows her somehow.

and it was confirmed that the woman in the lab coat is not samus but is a very important character

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