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Forums - Website Topics - I have an issue regarding VG$

Why do other members get away with it? Why dont I? Tell me Talon man? Why does megaman get away with his accounts? Why when I try my best to be a better poster? I am the only member on this site that was given 4 perma bans, the others got away with 1, and they have positive vg$, so why do you let them ago? Not me?


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leo-j will it makes you feel better if I ask Talon to hit me with a -50k twice?

I bet he'd do it for me

'Cause I know how to sweet talk a man

leo-j said:

Why do other members get away with it? Why dont I? Tell me Talon man? Why does megaman get away with his accounts? Why when I try my best to be a better poster? I am the only member on this site that was given 4 perma bans, the others got away with 1, and they have positive vg$, so why do you let them ago? Not me?

Because they didn't ask him to do anything? Because you are misrepresenting why you were permabanned at least one time 9self requested). Because rather than do any work for it you have just whined its not fair and demanded he give in. Because you have repeatedly stated you are entirely unwilling to do anything to help yourself solve this problem. there is a whole bunch of reasons. Pick your favorite.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo I have never stated in any one of my posts that I am unwilling to help myself solve this problem.



Well, nobody dare remove my VG$

They know who i am... and what im capable of

Seriously... if i were you, id just make a new account.


Around the Network
Khuutra said:
leo-j will it makes you feel better if I ask Talon to hit me with a -50k twice?

I bet he'd do it for me

'Cause I know how to sweet talk a man

>;o good luck. that guy with the horrible taste in thundercats *cough* won't unless you're "interesting"

Orca_Azure said:
Khuutra said:
leo-j will it makes you feel better if I ask Talon to hit me with a -50k twice?

I bet he'd do it for me

'Cause I know how to sweet talk a man

>;o good luck. that guy with the horrible taste in thundercats *cough* won't unless you're "interesting"

You take that back, the Thundercats are awesome

^ thundercats are infinitely less interesting than lolcats.

leo-j said:
Gnizmo I have never stated in any one of my posts that I am unwilling to help myself solve this problem.

You continuously reference Megaman2 as having gotten around this problem. He got around it by creating a new account. You have stated you refuse to create a new account, and said its impossible to update the database enough to work off the debt. One of those explicitly refuses to fix the situation, and the other one implicitly refuses.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

TalonMan said:
leo-j said:
Gnizmo I have never stated in any one of my posts that I am unwilling to help myself solve this problem.

Then why do you continue to ignore my olive branch offer of working off $2k and revisiting this conversation? If that's not the definition of somebody being unwilling to help themselves, I don't know what is...

...oh, I get it - you want what you want when you want it and you think if we keep this going at this long enough, I'll eventaully capitulate and give you all your money back. Unfortunately, that doesn't work with my 7 year old, and it ain't gonna work here either.  :P


Which is especially easy if you take advantage of the research project ioi is trying to use for PC gamers. Not that any of that cash has been paid yet, but still it will eventually right? *nudge nudge*

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229