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Forums - Website Topics - I have an issue regarding VG$


But why do I have to work off the -6,000 if it was a glitch that got me there, I mean kibry 007 has positive vg$ because he was permabanned once, but not 4 times because of a glitch lol

Ive already explained the reason why im even complaining lol


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leo-j said:

But why do I have to work off the -6,000 if it was a glitch that got me there, I mean kibry 007 has positive vg$ because he was permabanned once, but not 4 times because of a glitch lol

Ive already explained the reason why im even complaining lol

Yes, and still he has made tons of money out of the PL (he's the one who taught me that adding summaries was a money cow). Come on, it's not that hard, it's just some work, and we'll gladly help you with it. It just needs a bit of dedication


take the issue up with naznatips or ioi

but don't get melodramatic & threaten to leave the site, nordlead said that idea was horrible (It took me ages to come up with that idea)

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

leo-j said:

But why do I have to work off the -6,000 if it was a glitch that got me there, I mean kibry 007 has positive vg$ because he was permabanned once, but not 4 times because of a glitch lol

Ive already explained the reason why im even complaining lol

would you like me to permaban your account? Then the "glitch" will be fixed. I mean, seriously the glitch brought you back. Without it you wouldn't have your account. 6k for having your account is either worth it or it isn't. When you first posted I didn't bother to look into what you were complaining about as I really can't deal with it. From what I gathered reading this thread, at most you could be refunded 2k and that is it, not all 6k. And as obviously stated, the "glitch" never would have happened if you didn't get yourself on the wrong side of the ban hammer to begin with.

Kirby cheated the system and that is pretty much the only reason he is positive VG$. If I had been a mod his account would be gone with no questions asked. Kirby is the worst example you could bring up in terms of vg$ and fair play. I'd be happy to permaban him as he has no regards to respecting this website and repeatedly breaks the rules and even brags about it. If he ever decided to actually comply by them, I'd be happy to have him stay.

Honestly I'm trying to help you out with the VG$, and I'm even randomly posting in this thread and contributing to your VG$ recovery program rather than just completely ignoring it. However, you'll never get out of debt if you don't contribute to this website and I can't help you out more than that.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

nordlead said:
leo-j said:

But why do I have to work off the -6,000 if it was a glitch that got me there, I mean kibry 007 has positive vg$ because he was permabanned once, but not 4 times because of a glitch lol

Ive already explained the reason why im even complaining lol

would you like me to permaban your account? Then the "glitch" will be fixed. I mean, seriously the glitch brought you back. Without it you wouldn't have your account. 6k for having your account is either worth it or it isn't. When you first posted I didn't bother to look into what you were complaining about as I really can't deal with it. From what I gathered reading this thread, at most you could be refunded 2k and that is it, not all 6k. And as obviously stated, the "glitch" never would have happened if you didn't get yourself on the wrong side of the ban hammer to begin with.

Kirby cheated the system and that is pretty much the only reason he is positive VG$. If I had been a mod his account would be gone with no questions asked. Kirby is the worst example you could bring up in terms of vg$ and fair play. I'd be happy to permaban him as he has no regards to respecting this website and repeatedly breaks the rules and even brags about it. If he ever decided to actually comply by them, I'd be happy to have him stay.

Honestly I'm trying to help you out with the VG$, and I'm even randomly posting in this thread and contributing to your VG$ recovery program rather than just completely ignoring it. However, you'll never get out of debt if you don't contribute to this website and I can't help you out more than that.

What did he do?

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Here's a good solution!

Why don't you make a new account and forget all about this one?

This way you can make your atrocious predictions...

kirby did nothing

Nordlead every perma banned member was brought back through that glitch, I was the unlucky one to have been perma banned 4 times, Id take anything right now 2000 refund would be fine by me, I just dont think I should be hurt because of the 3 glitches and kirby and other perma banned members get away with having postive vg$ because they werent perma banned 3 extra times..

In any case you are right I should be grateful im even allowed to post, but I still think its unfair.



^to further strengthen leo's case. VGChartz recently celebrated 2.0. With this new format should come a new, fresh beginning for at least one of the most contributing members to the forums. Why, pray tell, should he be exempt from enjoying the features of vg2.0 when others who did the same are able to. A shake of fairness should be offered.

TalonMan said:
kirby007 said:
zexen_lowe said:
kirby007 said:

where is my money for my gta2 cheats hmm?

I don't know what you're talking about, I told you I accepted all your submissions

check my money list i didn't get shit

Looks to me like you didn't enter the 'shit' correctly in the first place. You just entered a description and instructions, but you didn't actually fill in the 'code' and 'effect' boxes...    ...granted, I should have a warning there to tell you that you've screwed up but you really need to follow some simple directions as well: "Enter a description, instructions for entry, and codes"

For instance, instead of filling in the instructions with "type "Gouranga" as name", you should have put 'Gouranga' in the code field and 'activate cheat mode' in the effect field. Then you would have been properly credited.

Those cheats you entered should be deleted and you should resubmit them correctly if you want to get paid..., get back to work Kirby!!!   :P


Will I get banned if after you delete kiry's cheats I readd them and get the money instead of

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you.