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nordlead said:
leo-j said:

But why do I have to work off the -6,000 if it was a glitch that got me there, I mean kibry 007 has positive vg$ because he was permabanned once, but not 4 times because of a glitch lol

Ive already explained the reason why im even complaining lol

would you like me to permaban your account? Then the "glitch" will be fixed. I mean, seriously the glitch brought you back. Without it you wouldn't have your account. 6k for having your account is either worth it or it isn't. When you first posted I didn't bother to look into what you were complaining about as I really can't deal with it. From what I gathered reading this thread, at most you could be refunded 2k and that is it, not all 6k. And as obviously stated, the "glitch" never would have happened if you didn't get yourself on the wrong side of the ban hammer to begin with.

Kirby cheated the system and that is pretty much the only reason he is positive VG$. If I had been a mod his account would be gone with no questions asked. Kirby is the worst example you could bring up in terms of vg$ and fair play. I'd be happy to permaban him as he has no regards to respecting this website and repeatedly breaks the rules and even brags about it. If he ever decided to actually comply by them, I'd be happy to have him stay.

Honestly I'm trying to help you out with the VG$, and I'm even randomly posting in this thread and contributing to your VG$ recovery program rather than just completely ignoring it. However, you'll never get out of debt if you don't contribute to this website and I can't help you out more than that.

What did he do?