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 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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trashleg said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
Snesboy said:
RockSmith372 said:
My friend and I were talking today about this: Does evolution make boobs bigger???

I don't think so. You just never see big boobs in the past because of all the clothes that women wore back then.

It's not evolution; it's the hormones used in cattle. Either it's from milk or meat, farmers use hormones to make the cows/other animals grow faster, and when we eat the animal, the hormones may still be inside the animal. This in turn makes females (grow faster, hence having their breasts mature at a faster rate) or males (growing up like weeds; there's also some stuff I have seen at the daycare I've work at, is that there a few children who have matured too fast and yet they are actually 'dimwitted and slow,' and the teachers have noticed it; I label it as, 'all the maturity and not the mentality') grow at an earlier age. Plus I've read before that birthcontrol can make girls 'develop' earlier.

i disagree. i haven't eaten any cow products since i was about 14 and these days my chest is a fine size, if u dont mind me sayin so myself. and my mentality is perfectly fine too. so there must be something else that causes it. how about natural variety, huh?

More like natural win :D

The most likely reason women today have bigger breasts today than the women of past generations is the same reason that children are maturing more early. Larger fat deposits are scientifically proven to result in larger breasts (and people are definitely heavier today), and the physical demands of puberty (I personally grew something like 4-5 inches/10-12.5 cm. in one year) would demand more nutrient and fat intake.

And just for the sake of the thread, one of my favorite Bond girls:



They're like bags of sand man....bags of sand.

MontanaHatchet said:

The most likely reason women today have bigger breasts today than the women of past generations is the same reason that children are maturing more early. Larger fat deposits are scientifically proven to result in larger breasts (and people are definitely heavier today), and the physical demands of puberty (I personally grew something like 4-5 inches/10-12.5 cm. in one year) would demand more nutrient and fat intake.

And just for the sake of the thread, one of my favorite Bond girls:

You know Denise Richards has gone under rthe knife many a times, right?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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Nah, really? I never knew.

And if somehow that matters to me anyways.



MontanaHatchet said:

The most likely reason women today have bigger breasts today than the women of past generations is the same reason that children are maturing more early. Larger fat deposits are scientifically proven to result in larger breasts (and people are definitely heavier today), and the physical demands of puberty (I personally grew something like 4-5 inches/10-12.5 cm. in one year) would demand more nutrient and fat intake.

And just for the sake of the thread, one of my favorite Bond girls:


I would tap that.

Not before me you wouldn't.



well psrock is the king of boobs so he should have created this thread

just to answer the question

as long as they are not fake and are firm i am all for them

yum yum

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

She's one of my least favourite Bond girls o_O The french actress in that film is much hotter.