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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sales need to increase by 45% in the rest of the year...

@ RPG: seems more logical to me to bring in the Slim, then sell that (will sell because it's a "slim") then cut the price just before the holidays. You get two boosts and one doesn't cost you that much at all since people will just go bonkers for a slim too.

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Sony's pr isn't really known for accuracy.
They will launch the psp go for 250$. Doens't that prove that Sony is aiming for profability? I would rather chose to make money then to make some pr line which costs the company money.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Pricecut/slim bundled with GT5 at TGS


I'd love a pricecut, but it is DEFINITELY not going to happen now. It didn't happen when Sony as a whole was making money, so it's definitely not going to happen when the company has just lost tons of money. Sony used to be able to buffer their gaming division losses, but no longer. I wish a price cut would happen, but it's not going to.



MontanaHatchet said:
I'd love a pricecut, but it is DEFINITELY not going to happen now. It didn't happen when Sony as a whole was making money, so it's definitely not going to happen when the company has just lost tons of money. Sony used to be able to buffer their gaming division losses, but no longer. I wish a price cut would happen, but it's not going to.

The thing is, this "increase percentage needed" is going to keep increasing. It's 45% today but it can easily get to 60% or more if they don't do anything for a few months.

Honestly I didn't understand why Sony set such a high objective especially with the economic hardship, and each day they don't cut the price I understand it even less.

September is way too late... when does TGS happen?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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LOL... they basically confirmed a price drop already.

When they were asked about the 13million projection the guy said "Well, you're just going to have to assume while our price strategy will be"

MontanaHatchet said:
I'd love a pricecut, but it is DEFINITELY not going to happen now. It didn't happen when Sony as a whole was making money, so it's definitely not going to happen when the company has just lost tons of money. Sony used to be able to buffer their gaming division losses, but no longer. I wish a price cut would happen, but it's not going to.

Is that with or without the slim? Because I think the slim PS3 could be sold at $349 and still make a profit. On the other hand, I could see Sony selling the slim with a 120 GB HDD at $399, but we'll have to wait and see on that. (The $349 slim would have a 120 GB HDD as well, that's what was on the box we saw the photos of)

They must be cookin' something up.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


A Slim model is not made for the consumers (:O) but for the manufacturer (:O). It simply means less parts to the machine therefore the price of the console can be lowered. Sin and that other mole saying it would be coming around September time makes that extremely likely especially looking at their track records.

It means the console price can be cut by $100 and will make the likely hood of a purchase much more likely. FFXIII in Japan and GT5 in EU with a $300 PS3 would increase sales by a good amount. Before anyone says it yes the 360 can drop in price during that time, come with a happy meal or whatever HOWEVER the PS3 would still be at a more affordable price and people would be more likely to go for it.

A $300 PS3 will increase sales however what remains to be seen is how big the bump will be.


Fame_Mcswagg said:
very possible. with or without a price cut..

Please explain how?