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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rockstar Develops Agent Exclusively Out of Confidence in PlayStation

I find it mostly ridiculous how certainly articles and people are trying to discredit R* and/or downplay exclusivity because the platform in question is the PS3.

It sorta displays a large sense of jealous imo and/or the fact this could be something big that some people will miss out on when it lands.

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 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

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rukusa said:
I find it mostly ridiculous how certainly articles and people are trying to discredit R* and/or downplay exclusivity because the platform in question is the PS3.

It sorta displays a large sense of jealous imo and/or the fact this could be something big that some people will miss out on when it lands.

It's even more ridiculous that you think someone can be "jealous" of a console. If someone really wants to play the game, said person can purchase a PS3.

By the time this game releases, the price of the PS3 will have declined significantly. I plan to purchase a PS3 for God of War III.

Most posters just get really frustrated and annoyed with illogical pretentious PS3 fanboy posting, which you are a contributor to as well.

There is really no other reason but that. Sorry to ruin your blissful ignorance.

If you really want to help the PS3 fanboy movement, it would behove you and other fanboys to try to post with some intelligence, restraint and logic.


That is all...


I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

jcp234 said:
rukusa said:
I find it mostly ridiculous how certainly articles and people are trying to discredit R* and/or downplay exclusivity because the platform in question is the PS3.

It sorta displays a large sense of jealous imo and/or the fact this could be something big that some people will miss out on when it lands.

It's even more ridiculous that you think someone can be "jealous" of a console. If someone really wants to play the game, said person can purchase a PS3.

By the time this game releases, the price of the PS3 will have declined significantly. I plan to purchase a PS3 for God of War III.

Most posters just get really frustrated and annoyed with illogical pretentious PS3 fanboy posting, which you are a contributor to as well.

There is really no other reason but that. Sorry to ruin your blissful ignorance.

If you really want to help the PS3 fanboy movement, it would behove you and other fanboys to try to post with some intelligence, restraint and logic.


That is all...


No offense, but there is such a thing as Microsoft, Nintendo, and many other types of fanboys. Sony fanboys aren't the only ones that are annoying. But this kind of IS a Sony forum, so for you[or anyone else who comes in here complaining about Sony fanboys] to come in here and say that is even MORE ridiculous.

vitoaf27 said:
jcp234 said:
rukusa said:
I find it mostly ridiculous how certainly articles and people are trying to discredit R* and/or downplay exclusivity because the platform in question is the PS3.

It sorta displays a large sense of jealous imo and/or the fact this could be something big that some people will miss out on when it lands.

It's even more ridiculous that you think someone can be "jealous" of a console. If someone really wants to play the game, said person can purchase a PS3.

By the time this game releases, the price of the PS3 will have declined significantly. I plan to purchase a PS3 for God of War III.

Most posters just get really frustrated and annoyed with illogical pretentious PS3 fanboy posting, which you are a contributor to as well.

There is really no other reason but that. Sorry to ruin your blissful ignorance.

If you really want to help the PS3 fanboy movement, it would behove you and other fanboys to try to post with some intelligence, restraint and logic.


That is all...


No offense, but there is such a thing as Microsoft, Nintendo, and many other types of fanboys. Sony fanboys aren't the only ones that are annoying. But this kind of IS a Sony forum, so for you[or anyone else who comes in here complaining about Sony fanboys] to come in here and say that is even MORE ridiculous.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

point x said:

a Rockstar game exclusive?,...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..sorry is funny

Oh yeah? What's so funny about that?

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CGI-Quality said:
Where I do disagree, I doubt Sony can be this gen's leader, it is too late for such a feat.

Pfft. "Places" mean nothing, those are just sales. I'm very happy on the game's ive been playing on my PS3, and the line-up's for the end of this year, and next year are incredible.

CGI-Quality said:

@ badgenome

Although youi're mostly a man of logic, tell me, when was Alan Wake announced? Now, when was Resistance 2 announced? My point is, all companies have games delayed, it's seriously ridiculous to single Sony out for that.

Also, forevercloud didn't make up the part about "confidence in Sony". That came from the article....

Sure, Alan Wake has had a very lengthy development, but the reason it stands out is because it's pretty atypical for Microsoft to announce a game years in advance. It's quite normal for Sony to do that, though. Couple that with the fact that we have nothing but a logo to go by, and I don't think it's "bashing" at all to say that Agent is still a very long way off.

Meanwhile, no one has questioned the quality of the game. It would be pretty silly if they had, given both Rockstar North's reputation and the lack of a trailer or screens that might suggest that it is in any way subpar. I can't help but be pretty skeptical of the claim that it will be equally as impactful as GTA, but if Rockstar is really that confident in the title, it must be something amazing.

And I'll ignore your "man of logic" slur, as I'm not interested in trading ad hominem attacks.

maybe he's right, what is the highest selling multiplatform game that wasn't a sequel.


Adjudicator said:
maybe he's right, what is the highest selling multiplatform game that wasn't a sequel.

Assassin's Creed?

Gilgamesh said:
ymeaga1n said:

I don't think it stand out more - you're not releasing to 2/3 of the market - rather it is less expensive to make. Development costs drop, marketing costs drop, and if sony paid for exclusivity, you get a nice chuck of money.

I think someone already answered this but oh well, the game will stand out more because its exclusive, thats all Microsoft and Sony go on about is I got this game and you don't, so the PS3 owners will obviously appeal to it more since it's exclusive, because exlcusive third party games are so rare to come across.

If it's multi plat then it wouldn't be as big of a deal because neither Microsoft or Sony can brag about having that game and it probably wouldn't be hyped as much. The main games Sony tends to talk about is there exclusives, there trying to show everyone that the PS3 has the most and best exclusives, so they'll likely market this game more then if it was multi plat.

The main point the article is trying to make is most of the PS3 owners will adapted to this game a lot more then if it was multiplat. And Feder believes that the PS3 is going to eventually start selling like hot cakes and it'll be the must have gaming console (price cut, slim). So this game will likely sell a decent amount.

Yeah, it will likely sell a decent amount, as opposed to a large amount.  To expect it to compete with GTA is ridiculous when you are releasing it on a console with the smallest install base there is.  And mind you, when you consider that a game like this is going to be much more popular in the West than in Japan, it actually makes the install base even smaller.  I'm sure the game will be very fun, and will look awesome on PS3.  Even though I'm an Xbox owner, I don't begrudge PS3 fans an exclusive game.  From a business standpoint, though, this seems like a pretty horrible idea.

For one thing, Microsoft is well-known for pimping out multiplatform games, so the argument that making it exclusive somehow garners more attention for the game is kind of nonsense, I think.  Right now it will be aggressively marketed to the PS3 fanbase.  Had they, for instance, made it Xbox exclusive, it would have been aggressively marketed to the much larger Xbox install base (much much larger in the West).  Had it been multiplat, I guarantee you MS would have still marketed it aggressively, and Sony would have at least done something, so it would be reaching an exponentially larger audience.  When you couple the larger install base for Xbox, and the fact that Xbox owners buy more games, this just seems like giving away money to me.  I don't mean this in an incendiary way, but big titles like MGS4 don't even approach the top-selling Xbox titles in sales even with very extensive bundling.

Unless Take Two was just overcome with a wave of good feeling for Sony, I don't see a logical explanation for making a big new IP PS3 exclusive that doesn't involve the fabled moneyhat.  Not that there's anything wrong with moneyhatting, companies should do what they have to do, but all of these explanations sound like waffling to me.

Edit:  As an addendum, I would like to point out that the best selling games on PS3 are multiplatform.