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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Malstrom: "the whimper of hardcore dreams".

Darc Requiem said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Wow. Nintendo fanboys are convinced that fans of the HD consoles hate Malstrom because somehow, we're scared of the truth and his all-knowingness. The truth is that we're not blind and we can see how much of a jerk he is, while Nintendo fanboys just gush over everything he says. If anyone's blind, it's you guys.

Montana the majority of the responses to his article center around how much of a jerk he is. By in large, his points aren't addressed at all. What other impression do you think would be given with that being the case. Malstrom does come off a dick in this article, but saying he is a dick doesn't and nothing else show's that you believe he's right because you can't post a suitable counter argument.

It's because no one really cares about his points. At the end of the day, it's the same shtick over and over. You could just replace entire Malstrom articles with "hardcore gamers are dumb," and it will still have about the same value. Most of his detractors in the thread don't feel like arguing his points. I agree with him anyways; "hardcore gamers" are usually idiots. But his condescending style of writing is simply rotten, and it rubs off on his fans. And it shows (e.g. your post).



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I only disagree with the idea that the PC will never get motion controls. Hell, didn't Natal start as a PC motion sensing project? I could see something like this being added into PC gaming also. If there's a market for it - that's the question.

Zucas said:
outlawauron said:
Malstrom sounds more and more like a jerk the more I read.

I guess it sounds kinda jerkish when you constantly have to tell people how wrong they are in their false truths.  However, when you can see around it you see it as a necessary justice, not jerk thing to do.  Malstrom isn't right all the time, but he doesn't hold back in telling people what they should be hearing rather than what they want to hear.  Got to respect that in a person. 

I'm sorry, but if this guy makes his "points" in this fashion, I don't see any reason to respect him.

He sounds like a fanboy rather than a sensible person.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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deathcape said:
Squilliam said:

Its unfortunate that the people have made up their mind about the Wii. Personally I was unhappy that the HD console makers were going down that route until I stopped caring about who would 'win' and started thinking that who the winner was didn't matter it was the fact that there they are the winner makes them more likely to suit me. For a lot of people the words are just the justification, its fanboy logic. The answer will remain the same even if the justification changes.

Reach conclusion, justify with 'facts' or 'reasons' and then hit the post button. Every system has its share, for and against. I find the ignore feature makes me so much happier that I no longer act in a particularly fanboyish manner. (most of the time. )

Personally im finding the fixation on the technical details a little bothersome. Theres an assumption running around that X company is incompetent, so if one little detail is out of place its immediately picked apart without base. Im not personally a fan of Malstrom because I don't like the method by which he reaches his conclusions. The end point to his logic seems independant of the evidence he provides. I do enjoy his perspective, even if his writing style can be long winded and grating.


it's not as much made I don't like ripoffs...I would love to play a 1:1 StarWars game...but if I had to choose between Wii or would be Wii, since I get to actually walkaround with the control stick, doesn't cost as much as an HD version and could be fun IF DONE RIGHT

the problem with not caring about who wins..means the Wii gets the short end of the stick..the dumbed down watered down port..while the PS3 f.e: gets the actually good game..wich I cannot afford -.-'s a simple matter of: what can I actually purchase? and is it worth it to pay 60 bucks for an HD game wich lasts around 10 hours?..and has no replay value? or an SD game wich is forced to adopt other values than just cinematic epereinces and great graphics to keep gamers hooked..probably: better gameplay, more gameplay modes etc?


*sighs* it's pretty much how I think anyway...I haven't seen many HD games that impress me yet...just a few that turned my head..

sad..considering I loved the competition's games last time around

The patents for the PS3 more indicate that it includes a control stick as well so you don't have anything to fear from that. However you know, there are many HD games which also have a lot of replayability and I would say as a whole the length and gameplay of games have been getting better on average. Just give it some time and a little faith, im sure you'll find that as the generation progresses things will improve for you.


Natal hasn't even been released and we know next to nothing about the games that will be coming with it or how accurate it'll end up being and yet some people are already passing judgment on it. At least wait and see what the final product is going to be before calling it a failure and bashing the hell out of it. This entire thread is just useless speculation.

Avinash_Tyagi, based on your posts in this thread you seem to know a lot about Natal.  So could you please tell us about the final product.  What exactly is going to be packaged with it (what is the name of the games compilation if that's what it will be)?  What are the development tools and libraries like for it?  What's the name of the games that are currently being worked on for it (especially at Rare)?  It's not being targetted at the expanded audience?  Why?  I'm asking because it flies in the face of everything that was shown at E3 so obviously you must have some insider knowledge.  Did you see it behind closed doors at E3 and if so are your comments based on something that was said there?  Since you know so much about it spill the beans.

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outlawauron said:
Zucas said:
outlawauron said:
Malstrom sounds more and more like a jerk the more I read.

I guess it sounds kinda jerkish when you constantly have to tell people how wrong they are in their false truths.  However, when you can see around it you see it as a necessary justice, not jerk thing to do.  Malstrom isn't right all the time, but he doesn't hold back in telling people what they should be hearing rather than what they want to hear.  Got to respect that in a person. 

I'm sorry, but if this guy makes his "points" in this fashion, I don't see any reason to respect him.

He sounds like a fanboy rather than a sensible person.

To bad he's being right in his whole analysis. And he is right right now as well ;) If you don't like the way it's said, focus on the message.



Dazkarieh said:
outlawauron said:
Zucas said:
outlawauron said:
Malstrom sounds more and more like a jerk the more I read.

I guess it sounds kinda jerkish when you constantly have to tell people how wrong they are in their false truths.  However, when you can see around it you see it as a necessary justice, not jerk thing to do.  Malstrom isn't right all the time, but he doesn't hold back in telling people what they should be hearing rather than what they want to hear.  Got to respect that in a person. 

I'm sorry, but if this guy makes his "points" in this fashion, I don't see any reason to respect him.

He sounds like a fanboy rather than a sensible person.

To bad he's being right in his whole analysis. And he is right right now as well ;) If you don't like the way it's said, focus on the message.

His first mistake is that he assumes that everyone is all giddy for Natal and Sony's whatever.

I am not, and I also think they were the worst parts of their respective conferences.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

A proposal:

From now on when someone posts a Malstrom thread, start it off with "Yes, he's an arrogant asshole. Now can we please discuss his points rather than his style?"

noname2200 said:
A proposal:

From now on when someone posts a Malstrom thread, start it off with "Yes, he's an arrogant asshole. Now can we please discuss his points rather than his style?"

lol. That'd be nice.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

noname2200 said:
A proposal:

From now on when someone posts a Malstrom thread, start it off with "Yes, he's an arrogant asshole. Now can we please discuss his points rather than his style?"

I´m waiting for you to discuss them, mr noname :)