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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has there ever been an underdog console with as much support as the PS3 ?


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coolbeans said:
lol plz any brand that comes in first two gens in a row (let alone over 100mil over the other two last gen consoles combined), will get enough support. Not exactly sure why you call it an underdog when the right title would be under-achiever for this thread title.

I think that would've been too harsh a word to use. Although I do think it is quite accurate.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Squilliam and Tim...who´s the underdog?

Slimebeast said:
I think the topic is circular reasoning.

The real question should be: how can a console with as much support as the PS3 underperform so badly that it became the underdog?

The real question is how can it keep up with the sales of another current gen console that is selling at the same price of a ps2 despite the huge price difference :p

Check out my game about moles ^

there has never been an underdog like the ps3


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Staude said:
Slimebeast said:
I think the topic is circular reasoning.

The real question should be: how can a console with as much support as the PS3 underperform so badly that it became the underdog?

The real question is how can it keep up with the sales of another current gen console that is selling at the same price of a ps2 despite the huge price difference :p

That's a good question but the X360 doesn't really cost only $99 lol.

yes the N64.

JGarret said:
Squilliam and Tim...who´s the underdog?

Squilliam of course. Noone can match the awesomeness of Tim.
