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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Miss The Old Nintendo ...

Neglecting their other franchises? New Punch Out says hi. So does the Excite series, which has seen two Wii entries. And Animal Crossing. And Sin & Punishment. And Mario Kart. And

So, in truth, you've really got no argument...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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I can partially agree with you. Nintendo should get off their asses and put out Wii versions of these franchises. They too will make money. But if you think Nintendo will release a quick and sloppy, hastily thrown together sequel for one of their greatest franchises, you are misguided. I am happy for this game coming out, but I would love for more of their franchises to.


Shanobi said:
This is the first console generation we haven't had an F-zero yet, and we still have many years to go. But there was only one on the SNES, one on the N64, and one on the Gamecube.

So unless you're publically stating that they will NEVER make one, I fail to see your point. We're getting way more mario than ever before, way more Metroid, and tons of other properties are in the works. (A second Zelda! We only had one on the Gamecube! One on the SNES, and one on the NES! C'mon already!!!)

Are you even serious? There were two NES Zeldas, and two Gamecube Zeldas. Not to mention two GBA Zeldas, 3 Gameboy Zeldas, and 2 DS Zeldas. The only Nintendo system with <2 Zeldas was the SNES.

And we have 2 Metroids (plus Hunters)= 2 Metroids on Gamecube (plus Fusion AND Zero Mission)...= way more?

Now, Mario, there you have a point.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Neglecting older franchises??? SIN & FREAKING PUNISHMENT 2, PUNCH OUT... can't really get older than that

I'd like to be like my fahter... to sire a son like myself

if big selling exclusives on other platforms can have sequels every other year (or even every year), why can't Nintendo release a sequel to a high quality Mario game after 3 years?

I don't get why people are calling SMG 2 the same old thing or rehash of the original but praising how good Uncharted 2 or new R&C or L4D2 or new Halo is... All those titles get sequels way sooner than SMG but SMG 2 gets crap because it's Mario?

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.

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Current Nintendo is more like the old Nintendo than ever. Nintendo has always been pushing new ways to play games and such. Some have been winners (Wiimote, D-Pad, Zapper) others, not so much (ROB, Virtual Boy).

And Galaxy 2 isn't unprecedented at all. What was (the real) Super Mario Bros 2, if not a level pack with slightly updated graphics? However, I doubt they'll make the same mistake of making Galaxy 2 silly hard.

While I'd love an F-Zero WX or whatever, sometimes franchises (Metroid) skip a generation, and come back better than ever. I have Wipeout HD on my PS3 though, which is close enough to satisfy me for a while. :)

yeah same goes for activision, ea, ubisoft and every other game maker out there..

i eman what is this guitar hero 23542352, lego rockband?? wth

another call of duty this year??/

madden 34806834689362348072578023457803703457093490534 x 2

its what games companies do.. stop bitching and get on with life.

hello how are you.

volrath50 said:
Current Nintendo is more like the old Nintendo than ever. Nintendo has always been pushing new ways to play games and such. Some have been winners (Wiimote, D-Pad, Zapper) others, not so much (ROB, Virtual Boy).

And Galaxy 2 isn't unprecedented at all. What was (the real) Super Mario Bros 2, if not a level pack with slightly updated graphics? However, I doubt they'll make the same mistake of making Galaxy 2 silly hard.

While I'd love an F-Zero WX or whatever, sometimes franchises (Metroid) skip a generation, and come back better than ever. I have Wipeout HD on my PS3 though, which is close enough to satisfy me for a while. :)

Hey, it's not R.O.B.'s fault that people didn't recgonise him for that glory that he was!


saicho said:

if big selling exclusives on other platforms can have sequels every other year (or even every year), why can't Nintendo release a sequel to a high quality Mario game after 3 years?

I don't get why people are calling SMG 2 the same old thing or rehash of the original but praising how good Uncharted 2 or new R&C or L4D2 or new Halo is... All those titles get sequels way sooner than SMG and it gets crap because it's Mario?

Only reason I figure is because it's a bit surprising, for Nintendo. As mentioned, there hasn't been a direct sequel to a Mario game, using the same engine, since SMB2, which didn't even come out in the US. Whereas people are used to EA, Ubisoft, Activision, etc taking a franchise and running it into the ground trying to squeeze every last penny out of it with yearly sequels, and then still continuing to pump out sequels well after it's been destroyed. (RIP Tony Hawk)


That being said, I'm really excited for the other M much because it's not being deveoped by Retro. Retro did AMAZING, but it will be very nice to see Team Ninja's take on Samus. :)

Paperdiego said:
yeah same goes for activision, ea, ubisoft and every other game maker out there..

i eman what is this guitar hero 23542352, lego rockband?? wth

another call of duty this year??/

madden 34806834689362348072578023457803703457093490534 x 2

its what games companies do.. stop bitching and get on with life.

Infinity Ward has released only 3 games in series prior to modern warfare 2, activision just whores out the CoD franchise.


Some sequels are good others are bad, but nintendo has had some of the best sequels in the industry consistantly improving thier own franchises.


EA madden is biggest scam in gaming, they never add anything important and feels like the same game every year, sides gimmicks to get you to buy next version and updated rosters, imo they could just put out update each year for a small fee.