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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Sales From Halo Will increase xbox 360 sales

DMeisterJ said:
superchunk said:
DMeisterJ said:
superchunk said:
Hey, no reason to get defensive. I was just pointing out that it has been discussed quite in detail already, I thought it would help you. Kinda flappy at the gums for a two time poster.

You also don't have to read through tons of threads as you mentioned. If you go to my link the very first post summarizes the everyone's basic ideas on this matter.

super chuck your gay anyway.......... your 33 why are you post with us young guns? must be fat.................

wow. Nice, let me guess a PS3 lover, bad at math, and obviously unable to actually read profiles.

I have a wife and 3 kids, am 32, and and there are way more people around my age on this site than little princesses like yourself.

Yeah maybe I am a PS3 lover but I'm not a thirty somethin who bought the Nintendo Wii and thinks because he plays Wii Sports that he's a gamer. You need to go and watch sixty minutes and read the new york times and let the gamers game and the old people, be old cuz ur good at it. Thank you


Originally I was going to write some whitty come back, but then I realized that the most expensive thing you own is probably the PS3 and that while you're still pimple faced and worring about how the ever so cool people at your high school think about your latest shoes, I am actually enjoying my multiple new cars, 2000sq ft home, free sex with wife, life fullfiling children, ability to buy any games I wish, job where I can make good money and sit on a site like this most of the day is so much better than your life.

 Have fun you 'real' gamer with your 'real game' machine that has what, three real games. Oh and btw, I am absolutely 100% positive that in your meaningless 19 years I have played and beat many more games than you have.


Around the Network

^^ I don´t want to mod all over you guys (witch I can´t really ) still you guys should ceep it civil, age has nothing to do with what kind of gamer you are, example: my worst Mario Kart Nemesis is 48 years old... man it bugs me that he´s so good. Anyway I bet you both have great lives and nothing to complain about, who cares what kind of gamers or what age you are anyway ??? Just don´t get personal wiht the offences thats all I want.... please ?




superchunk said:
DMeisterJ said:
superchunk said:
DMeisterJ said:
superchunk said:
Hey, no reason to get defensive. I was just pointing out that it has been discussed quite in detail already, I thought it would help you. Kinda flappy at the gums for a two time poster.

You also don't have to read through tons of threads as you mentioned. If you go to my link the very first post summarizes the everyone's basic ideas on this matter.

super chuck your gay anyway.......... your 33 why are you post with us young guns? must be fat.................

wow. Nice, let me guess a PS3 lover, bad at math, and obviously unable to actually read profiles.

I have a wife and 3 kids, am 32, and and there are way more people around my age on this site than little princesses like yourself.

Yeah maybe I am a PS3 lover but I'm not a thirty somethin who bought the Nintendo Wii and thinks because he plays Wii Sports that he's a gamer. You need to go and watch sixty minutes and read the new york times and let the gamers game and the old people, be old cuz ur good at it. Thank you


Originally I was going to write some whitty come back, but then I realized that the most expensive thing you own is probably the PS3 and that while you're still pimple faced and worring about how the ever so cool people at your high school think about your latest shoes, I am actually enjoying my multiple new cars, 2000sq ft home, free sex with wife, life fullfiling children, ability to buy any games I wish, job where I can make good money and sit on a site like this most of the day is so much better than your life.

 Have fun you 'real' gamer with your 'real game' machine that has what, three real games. Oh and btw, I am absolutely 100% positive that in your meaningless 19 years I have played and beat many more games than you have.


 You should make time for your children before you become a bad dad. I have quite the feeling you spend a lot of hours everyday on this forum.

Boy, way to be a bona-fide A-hole, konichiwa - making snap judgements about someone you don't even know.

Your getting a warning for this, and if you EVER make such a dumb statement about a man, and his parenting skills you WILL be banned. This is your one and ONLY statement.

I have more posts than Superchunk, but have a 55hr/wk job, and a 10hr a week job, and a girlfriend I spend plenty of time with.

You, on the other hand, have almost as many posts so why in the world is the pot calling the kettle black?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

There is a magical place called school konnichiwa.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

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mrstickball said:
Boy, way to be a bona-fide A-hole, konichiwa - making snap judgements about someone you don't even know.

Did I say that he is a bad dad?  I just said he should watch out

Your getting a warning for this, and if you EVER make such a dumb statement about a man, and his parenting skills you WILL be banned. This is your one and ONLY statement.

Dumb?  Do you want to know how many children are complaining about it?  About fathers who are always on their pc and not making time with their children?

I have more posts than Superchunk, but have a 55hr/wk job, and a 10hr a week job, and a girlfriend I spend plenty of time with.


You, on the other hand, have almost as many posts so why in the world is the pot calling the kettle black?

I  DON'T HAVE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Serious your warning doesn't make sense.


I don't get it that people are saying VGCHARTZ have great mods, I really don't understand this..

(It would make sense though if he is a teacher). 

He's been on this forum for 9 mine months. Approximately 270 days. He has 1,666 posts. That is about 6 posts a day. That doesn't seem like a lot of time to me.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

How in the world could superchunck be a bad dad ???....... he got a Wii for crying out loud, if my dad had had something as cool I as a Wii I would have treated him like a golden god... my dad got us an Atari so that was ok for the time (Pitfall is still the Godfather of jump and run)... still having a Will as a kind would have blown my mind. BTW, it´s not the time you spend with you children that counts, it´s to complex to just use just a few factors.

EDIT: Sorry Konichiwa, but he has a point here, making jugement about what another person is doing right or wrong in his life without knowing him/her is wrong and an offence, nobody should juge anybody even if they think they know them, even saying somebody might be doing things wrong in his personal live is a strong offence, I don´t feel like I should have to explain myself to anybody who doesn´t know me and I would never expect anybody else to do so.




DMeisterJ said:
fkusumot said:
Reborn Enemy said:
superchunk said:
This has already been discussed fully at

I know that it has been discussed but this is relevant to tonight since it's coming out in a few hours, I just wanted to to get the consensus on what people were doin and sometimes you don't feel like searching through a thousand threads about how much the Wii rocks, the PS3 sucks, and 360 only has fps's I just wanted to ask a frickin question, pato.

Who is pato?

nevermind..............................................., you know nothing... thankx anyway


Reborn ENEMy

nice name, I should have thought of that.

 ON topic, Ofcourse halo 3 sales will increase xbox 360 sales.

