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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A PS3 price cut would “really boost the industry,” says analyst

Billy Pidgeon, an independent analyst at Game Changer Research, reckons the gaming industry in general would benefit from Sony slashing PlayStation’s price.

“The thing that would really boost the industry in this traditionally slow period would be a Sony price cut. That would really help right now,” he said.

The quote is part of a Reuters article that looks at E3, the various financial aspects of the industry as it stands today and it’s potential economic future.

“If it doesn’t happen, I don’t think the industry is in for rough times,” Pidgeon added. “I do see that, in the fourth quarter, there will be a return to form.”

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it won't help Sony's attempt to balance it's checkbook though....

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

but the sales will increase significantly as it reaches the mass market price

How would the gaming industry benifit from a PS3 price cut? It doesn't even help Sony. They would just lose even more money.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

Analyst are dumb... if PS3 sales increase, 360 sales will drop...

PS3 and 360 have already split the hardcore crowd (with some buying both consoles). Now all that is left is the casual crowd..

Now how many consoles do analyst think casual players will purchase? Look at last generation - ONE! (PS2)

I don't see how this can be missed by "Game Changer Research"...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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gebx said:
Analyst are dumb... if PS3 sales increase, 360 sales will drop...

PS3 and 360 have already split the hardcore crowd (with some buying both consoles). Now all that is left is the casual crowd..

Now how many consoles do analyst think casual players will purchase? Look at last generation - ONE! (PS2)

I don't see how this can be missed by "Game Changer Research"...

gebx is totally right. I'm sure most hardcore players have already buy PS3 and all that's really left the mainstream. You should also consider that most mainstream do not go buy off the store, specially with sites like craigslist where one can find such items for less

What are you looking at, nerd?

ps3 is mainstream. It's just a too high price point for the mainstream to be able to afford it right now :p

Check out my game about moles ^

Actually a Wii price cut would do more. The total revenue in the industry would rise more from a $50 price cut on the Wii than a $100 price cut on the PS3. The Wii simply has more demand and I suspect that any moves on price because it hasn't recieved one yet will cause a significant increase in the quantity demanded and the number of games purchased.


wenlan said:
it won't help Sony's attempt to balance it's checkbook though....



For some reason these analyst just don't care what happens here...

4 ≈ One

I doubt that there really is a "mass market price", people buy stuff that is more expansive than $300. The PS3 doesn't sell because people don't think that it worths that much. They are not interested in it enough.

They definitely won't steal many sales from the 360. Now anyone who takes the price into account, buys a 360. If they will cut the price, the 360 will still be cheaper, so people who consider the price first, will still buy the 360.