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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RPGFan May Editorial - Where did the RPG villains go?

I'm posting this because it's an interesting take, while I don't fully agree, I love to death the example he provided (obviously) and I think it's worth discussing


Villains Mission in Action

It's the seventh generation of console-based video gaming and role-playing games haver never been prettier, more realistic, or more diverse. Their sheer quantity is mind boggling, with new mutations happening by the month and the genre becoming more and more difficult to pin down. We have epic stories, well-rounded casts, sprawling worlds, and decidedly gorgeous art direction across the board. But something is missing.

Where the hell have all the good villains gone?

It seems as though the majority of RPGs focus solely on the heroic casts as of late. Vayne Solidor in Final Fantasy XII was a conniving bastard, but he wasn't a magnificent conniving bastard like Sephiroth or Kefka. Persona 3's Strega were mildly interesting but can't, for all their numbers, hold a candle to Persona 2's crazed and demented Joker.

Villains get very little in the way of exposition lately, it would seem. While a few RPGs, such as Ar tonelico, have had interesting antagonists, they're the exception rather than the rule. Big-name franchises like Final Fantasy used to be exemplary for villainous archetypes played in fascinating ways, but ever since the days of Final Fantasy X, it seems Square Enix simply isn't that interested in evil anymore.

Perhaps it's due to an effort to present more sophisticated storytelling. Concepts of clear-cut good and evil are fairly difficult to sell these days, largely because the fanbase has not just grown out, it's also grown up. We do want these complex narratives that are closer to reality than fiction most of the time. We demand moral ambiguity as a hallmark over "good versus evil." But I feel strongly that we've also sacrificed a key element that made older RPGs so memorable: remarkable antagonists.

The classic example is Luca Blight (Suikoden II). A hate-filled monster of a human being, the most despicable being to ever live in that world, he was to be celebrated. RPG fans hadn't seen his kind of villainy before, and it seems we haven't since. This is a man who made a villager get on all fours and walk around, snorting like a pig for the promise of her life. A promise he mocked her for believing, before taking her life. Luca burnt villages out of sheer enjoyment.

Not only was Luca vile however, but powerful too! He had the brawn to back up his rotting, evil brain. You had to fight him three consecutive times, each round a grueling test of resourcefulness and strategic planning. Unlike your standard Square Enix villain, Luca didn't change shape. He didn't gain new powers. He was the same man in each round, yet uniquely terrifying like no other.

He wasn't even the main villain. That dubious honour fell to someone else entirely. Yet his memory is seared into the minds of any who faced him. He was far worse than any of his peers, the kind of man who could bring a Sephiroth or Kefka to their knees.

That's the kind of antagonist an RPG needs. Who since has been so memorable? While Luca was busy being the institution of human suffering, others before and around his time were consolidating just what a good villain was. Ghaleon had lived through two Lunar titles, once as an evil powermonger, and once more as a repentant saviour. Wieglaf, also known as Velius, was conspiring with church officials to ressurect a demon in Final Fantasy Tactics, providing RPG fans with one of the most difficult battles in SRPG history.

There are, of course, issues with that era of gaming too. Things were more black-and-white, more straightforward. For example, Bulzome in Shining Force III was a rather run of the mill villain. Yet even then, the story was fixated on the defeat of this evil presence, a trope many games today include, but without the menacing personality attached. It's a vital element out of place which can leave the end result rather flavourless.

I'm all for more sophisticated narrative. Persona 4, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy XII, and Xenosaga Episode III have all recently given us wonderful stories to experience. But their villains? Missing in action. Even Margulis in Xenosaga was a rather tame figure compared with more compelled fanatics like Phantasy Star IV's Zio, or Bulzome's cult. And Xenosaga's Albedo, though thoroughly interesting, turned out to be a redeemed character rather than true "villain" by the trilogy's end.

Narrative need not eschew personality. I for one would appreciate a strong, central villain in light of modern gaming's more complex approach to exposition. They need not even be that vital to the final battle in the game. Let's face it: End bosses have generally been flavourless. It's the antagonist in the midst of the game that we're more interested in, the human with the heart of darkness, not the tentacle monster waiting for us at the end. Here's to great RPG villains everywhere! May they rise again.



I agree that we need another villain like Luca Blight, he's right that he totally obliterates Kefka and Sephiroth together with one hand. But I like more than now RPGs try to have a depth, a motivation in its villains (not that Luca didn't...he probably had one of the best motivations), unlike before where the bad guy was "just bad". Xenosaga did that good, Suikoden V did it too, there's no "completely evil" villain, just an antagonist with a different goal than the hero. That's in my opinion better than a depthless villain (like Dhoulmagus, to give an example)


What are your thoughts?

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wow...this is one of my JRPG complaints..too many pretty boys who wanna be a God figure.

Xxain said:
wow...this is one of my JRPG complaints..too many pretty boys who wanna be a God figure.

You really need to play a Suikoden game.

No one trying to become a god, no one challenging the gods, no one trying to destroy the world

mithos yggdrasyll is what modern RPGs need, he was god, he sacrified countless lifes through thousands of years just to revive his dead sister, he didn't mind trowing the light of judgement on any opossing city, he killed those who loved him(A.K.A pronyma), and hes pretty good looking, but evil, very very evil.


"Vayne Solidor in Final Fantasy XII was a conniving bastard, but he wasn't a magnificent conniving bastard like Sephiroth or Kefka."

That's just wrong. In many ways he was more magnificent than either of them - and, in many ways, far more terrifying than even Kefka.

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Soriku said:
emilie autumn said:
mithos yggdrasyll is what modern RPGs need, he was god, he sacrified countless lifes through thousands of years just to revive his dead sister, he didn't mind trowing the light of judgement on any opossing city, he killed those who loved him(A.K.A pronyma), and hes pretty good looking, but evil, very very evil.

Yes please. Though I'm sure a lot of people are going to disagree since they hate ToS so much


I dont think people understand Mithos..He was basically taught to hate himself for what he was by those around, he live a life of self hate and tried to bring back the only the person who shared his pain only in his eyes to be slapped in the face, even in death he couldnt let go of his spite

I much prefer the storylines where noone is a clear evil personally. Just people with different ideas of how things should be. That way you can have some deep thinking about whether or not what you are doing is right, instead of just going along your merry way.

I suppose there is a place for ultimate evil as well, but I think it was just overdone in earlier RPG's so people got tired of the more 1 dimensionally evil characters.


I understood Mithos just fine.

He was still poorly conceived, poorly written, and didn't really fit into the context of the rest of the cast that was roughly his age.

Khuutra said:
I understood Mithos just fine.

He was still poorly conceived, poorly written, and didn't really fit into the context of the rest of the cast that was roughly his age.

YES!!!...I was just gonna edit that in...if Namco Bandai were professional writers and not saturday morning cartoon show..he would of had a stronger impact