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Forums - Gaming Discussion - KOJIMA INTERVIEW TRANSLATED: We are aiming mainly at JAPANESE AUDIENCE

luisgvm said:
ok guys look at this. but i dont know if its true or not so please dont kill me if its not true. :)

and here is another stuff.

akiba?!?!?!?!?!!! now thats some crazy shit but who knows lol

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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lol @ akiba being a snake clone, that is very unlikely, but hey stranger things have happened



Thank you for the translation. I can't wait for more info.

mp40master said:
luisgvm said:
ok guys look at this. but i dont know if its true or not so please dont kill me if its not true. :)

and here is another stuff.

akiba?!?!?!?!?!!! now thats some crazy shit but who knows lol

OMG, it better not be Akiba. Another possible person might be Solidus since he has a patch, but you know...

Can't wait for more info about this.

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Another clone???

4 ≈ One

I would love to have a new Metal Gear on psp besides Portable ops

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

WTF akiba!! not possible he doesn't look anything like the big boss

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.


mp40master said:
luisgvm said:
ok guys look at this. but i dont know if its true or not so please dont kill me if its not true. :)

and here is another stuff.

akiba?!?!?!?!?!!! now thats some crazy shit but who knows lol

It's fake.


Btw, here's a somewhat better translation of the article via IGN:

Famitsu: Is the generation XXX?

Kojima: No, it's XXX. If I were to say it all, perhaps XXXXX. I'm currently doing the game design and direction.

Famitsu: Really!

Kojima: I believe Japan will be the focus, but it will be sold throughout the world. Within me, this is XXXX. I won't say it's X, but I am making a proper story, and it is being made by the MGS4 staff.

Famitsu: Really! That's amazing.

Elsewhere, the interview touches a bit upon the content of the game:

Kojima: The mark on the old man's hat is very important

Famitsu: This mark is different from a fox. It's like a world map.

Kojima: Not just the mark, but the game systems are also new.

Famitsu: Is it XX-XXXXXXXXXX?

Kojima: Yes. We'll be doing stuff that one would expect of XXXXXXX. XXXX and so-forth are obvious, so those will be included. Uh-oh... I said stuff that was unplanned (laughs)

Famitsu also asked Kojima about the setting. "The setting is XXXXXXX," responded Kojima. Apparently, something called "XXXXXXXXX" happened in this location, leaving it as a "XXXXX" country.