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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PAL PS3 Backwards Compatability Progress Update

Alacrist said: Why don't they just get it right the first time? I, (and this is most liely only me), don't have access to the internet yet (unless I go to the library or my dad's house) so what about people like me bascially if I can't access the internet I can't play old PS2 games. I think you should just get it right the first time.
You can download the 97mb file at the library and put it on some sort of flash media at the library, then update the ps3 using that. It's that simple. OR, update it using a rented game or newly purchased title, since firmware will eventually be included on game releases. -redsock

PSN ID: redsock

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redsock said: You can download the 97mb file at the library and put it on some sort of flash media at the library, then update the ps3 using that. It's that simple. OR, update it using a rented game or newly purchased title, since firmware will eventually be included on game releases. -redsock
OR....they could just get it right the first time.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I would like to see how SOny do at launch.

I can see Alacrist's point. Its like how the Wii doesn't read SD cards until you download a firmware update. It wasn't a problem for me, but if you don't have the net, then you are pretty much screwed.

Darc Requiem said: I can see Alacrist's point. Its like how the Wii doesn't read SD cards until you download a firmware update. It wasn't a problem for me, but if you don't have the net, then you are pretty much screwed.




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Well, if you have $500-600 dollars to spend on a console but can't afford the internet, maybe you shouldn’t have bought the console in the first place. If you're too cheap to get your own internet connection, don't blame Sony for adding features that you don't have access to through the internet. They at least make it possible to get these updates, even if you don’t have the internet, through other methods. Microsoft, Nintendo and countless other companies are currently doing this. Firmware is upgradeable so you can add features later, because it’s impossible to get everything right the first time. Microsoft and Nintendo have had similar issues with firmware upgrades in their consoles, why criticize one company (Sony) for not being perfect, when no one else has “got it right the first time”. That’s the kind of attitude that leaves room only for disappointment. I bet you’re even posting to this forum using Microsoft Windows, why can’t they get it right after 15 years, maybe because it’s not that simple. EDIT: Even if you don't have access to the internet at home, you at least have access to it somewhere (you are posting on this forum), it's 2007 ffs..

PSN ID: redsock

...I was trying to delete my post didn't know how lol




Look, all I am saying is: Your expectations are too high. How can anyone know everything that's important to everyone and always meet their expectations? I was just amazed at how ridiculous that expectation is. As far as getting the internet goes, almost everyone can afford it. My internet is $30/month. That’s on average $1/day. Even if you had $60 cable, it would only be $2 a day. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to either earn or save that dollar every day. For me, the choice is simple; I have eliminated unnecessary things from my spending, such as: eating out, alcohol and subscription television. I am an independent student that receives no help from my parents, I know what it's like to not be able to afford things, you find ways if you really want it. If you live in a small town where broadband isn’t offered, that’s rather unfortunate, however broadband is spreading like wildfire and you probably won’t have to wait too long.

PSN ID: redsock

Everyone who has a PS3 should have access to the internet (hence they will be able to update their PS3), but who knows how much that update is going to improve backwards compatability. The update might make 6 out of the 12 games work and you would still have people who are angry about it.

euclid said: Everyone who has a PS3 should have access to the internet (hence they will be able to update their PS3), but who knows how much that update is going to improve backwards compatability. The update might make 6 out of the 12 games work and you would still have people who are angry about it.
You may expect everyone to have access to the internet but that is not a reasonable expectation ... Some people live in (reasonably) remote locations where their only access would be dial-up, others may not be interested in online gaming and may not hook their PS3 up to the net; on top of that (as sad as it sounds) there are also going to be people who don't have the technical understanding to hook their PS3 up to the net.