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Well, if you have $500-600 dollars to spend on a console but can't afford the internet, maybe you shouldn’t have bought the console in the first place. If you're too cheap to get your own internet connection, don't blame Sony for adding features that you don't have access to through the internet. They at least make it possible to get these updates, even if you don’t have the internet, through other methods. Microsoft, Nintendo and countless other companies are currently doing this. Firmware is upgradeable so you can add features later, because it’s impossible to get everything right the first time. Microsoft and Nintendo have had similar issues with firmware upgrades in their consoles, why criticize one company (Sony) for not being perfect, when no one else has “got it right the first time”. That’s the kind of attitude that leaves room only for disappointment. I bet you’re even posting to this forum using Microsoft Windows, why can’t they get it right after 15 years, maybe because it’s not that simple. EDIT: Even if you don't have access to the internet at home, you at least have access to it somewhere (you are posting on this forum), it's 2007 ffs..

PSN ID: redsock