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Look, all I am saying is: Your expectations are too high. How can anyone know everything that's important to everyone and always meet their expectations? I was just amazed at how ridiculous that expectation is. As far as getting the internet goes, almost everyone can afford it. My internet is $30/month. That’s on average $1/day. Even if you had $60 cable, it would only be $2 a day. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to either earn or save that dollar every day. For me, the choice is simple; I have eliminated unnecessary things from my spending, such as: eating out, alcohol and subscription television. I am an independent student that receives no help from my parents, I know what it's like to not be able to afford things, you find ways if you really want it. If you live in a small town where broadband isn’t offered, that’s rather unfortunate, however broadband is spreading like wildfire and you probably won’t have to wait too long.

PSN ID: redsock