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Forums - General Discussion - The 2007 User Popularity Elimination Game

You're right. Oops!

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Around the Network

14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88

13 lolita

12 RolStoppable

11 eric_aston
11 naznatips
11 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 Bodhesatva

10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Final-Fan
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe (+)
10 super_etecoon
10 superchunk
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina

9 sieanr
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
9 HappySqurriel

8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece (-)
8 albionus

6 kwaad
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 ssj12
6 mrstickball
5 gebx (-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88

13 lolita

11 RolStoppable (-)
11 eric_aston
11 naznatips
11 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk (+)

10 Bodhesatva (-)
10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Final-Fan
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 super_etecoon
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina

9 sieanr
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
9 HappySqurriel

8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus

6 kwaad
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 ssj12
6 mrstickball
5 gebx


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Now this can't be right, where the hell am I??

added ArtofAngels

14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88

13 lolita

11 RolStoppable
11 eric_aston
11 naznatips
11 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk

10 Bodhesatva
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Final-Fan
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 super_etecoon
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina

9 sieanr
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
9 HappySqurriel

8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus

6 kwaad
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 ssj12
6 mrstickball

5 gebx


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Around the Network

14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88
13 lolita
12 RolStoppable (+)
12 naznatips (+)
11 eric_aston
11 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk
11 Bodhesatva (+)
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 super_etecoon
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina
9 sieanr
9 Final-Fan (-)
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
9 HappySqurriel
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 ssj12
6 mrstickball
3 gebx (-)(-)
3 kwaad (-)(-)(-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88
13 lolita
12 RolStoppable
12 naznatips
11 eric_aston
13 Onna76 (+) (+)
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk
11 Bodhesatva
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 super_etecoon
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina
6 sieanr (-) (-) (-)
9 Final-Fan
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
6 HappySqurriel (-) (-) (-)
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
7 ssj12 (+)
6 mrstickball
3 gebx
3 kwaad


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Final-Fan said:
I reorganized the list in such a way that I thought would be more readable.

I have nothing against a lot of the people I voted against, but hey, someone's gotta go.

I never knew leo-j hated TheSource that much!

12 Bodhesatva (+)
12 lolita
12 naznatips
12 RolStoppable (+)

11 Dolla Dolla
11 HappySqurriel

10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 BenKenobi88
10 ClaudeLv250
10 DarkNight_DS
10 Dodece
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Final-Fan (new)
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii (-)
10 mrstickball
10 omgwtfbbq
10 Onna76
10 Rath
10 rocketpig
10 sieanr
10 super_etecoon
10 superchunk
10 tiachopvutru
10 your mother

9 Albionus (-)
9 dtewi
9 konnichiwa
9 kwaad
9 Legend11 (-)
9 Lost tears of Kain (-)
9 nintendo_fanboy
9 TheLivingShadow
9 routsounmanman (-)
9 shams
9 stof

8 TheSource (+)
8 gebx

6 Soriku

5 Kber81
5 sonyfanatic

4 leo-j (-)


1. ckmlb

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points.

that hurts really really bad final fan, I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME /runs into closet. IM not coming back out!

Dont give me that angle head =P

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

15 Dolla Dolla (+)
14 BenKenobi88
12 lolita (-)
12 RolStoppable
12 naznatips
11 eric_aston
13 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk
11 Bodhesatva
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina
9 super_etecoon
6 sieanr
9 Final-Fan
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking (-)
6 HappySqurriel
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
7 ssj12
6 mrstickball
3 gebx
3 kwaad


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

@ ArtofAngel

Why did you skip my votes?