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14 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88

13 lolita

12 RolStoppable

11 eric_aston
11 naznatips
11 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 Bodhesatva

10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Final-Fan
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe (+)
10 super_etecoon
10 superchunk
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina

9 sieanr
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
9 HappySqurriel

8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece (-)
8 albionus

6 kwaad
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 ssj12
6 mrstickball
5 gebx (-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.