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Forums - Sony Discussion - TGS: LBP GAF Impressions - LBP is Win Sauce + Info

Little Big Planet
OH YES! OH MY F&%$!$! GOD! THIS IS IT! Played with DCharlie, LEOsh and a SCE rep as a foursome. The physics are amazing, everything feels so alive and fluid. And it's so unbelievable cute. If you don't know already, you can press the 4 directions on the d-pad to make different facial expressions which is insanely adorable. We played the exact run through the level that is in the old movie, ending with the skateboard, but the level seemed to have a few branching paths that the SCE rep wouldn't let us go down. This game is going to be HOT HOT HOT when it comes out. I hope it ends up being online with voice chat because that is going to be THE way to play... with some drinks for extra amusement.
Little Big Planet = AMAZING (although I played with a few slow guys, I had to literally pick them up one by one in my rocket pack to bring them to the rocket pack power up since they couldn't reach it themselves)

LBP has been confirmed with voip and the lips actually animate as you speak online.

LBP sounds like it will be SO awesome. I can't wait till the demo comes out so we can get some VGC impressions.

UPDATE(1): Developer walkthru video



Special thanks to makingmusic476 for finding this information.

Original thread:

Snippets from article:

The other big revelation is that LittleBigPlanet will feature VoIP and all the characters are actually lip-synched; when you talk, their adorable oversized gobs will babble away, which is always entertaining. This feature wasn't demonstrated, but will apparently feature in the press conference. Beyond this, although Evans was non-commital on a release date, he did mention that there were plans for a slow roll-out of a public beta this year starting, jokingly, with his mother and expanding bit by bit from there. Sign us up, please.


Also newly revealed to us was the ability to, in addition to using your own photos as background textures, being able to place 2D objects in the fore-, middle- and background.


On the subject of downloadable content, the team at Media Molecule have already got big plans for all sorts of items, themes and more.

Full article here, with more information and features:

Around the Network

awsome indeed, good reason to own a ps3! (why ill own one cant wait for this!)

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

I'm hyping this game GOTY '08. I've been salivating all over it since i was first announced back at GDC. :D

I made a thread exactly like this two days ago, and it was ignored. :(

makingmusic476 said:
I'm hyping this game GOTY '08. I've been salivating all over it since i was first announced back at GDC. :D

I made a thread exactly like this two days ago, and it was ignored. :(

Ah, you certainly did. I missed it.

Well, hopefully this gets some more attention, cause this game is a beauty and sounds like a gem.

Updating original post with developer walkthru video. 

Does this game have a release date?

Around the Network

Can this save the ps3?(speaking of ps3 savior, what happened to the savior in TGS?)


Dolla Dolla said:
makingmusic476 said:
I'm hyping this game GOTY '08. I've been salivating all over it since i was first announced back at GDC. :D

I made a thread exactly like this two days ago, and it was ignored. :(

Ah, you certainly did. I missed it.

Well, hopefully this gets some more attention, cause this game is a beauty and sounds like a gem.

Updating original post with developer walkthru video.

This game certainly deserves the attention.  I'll help you make this thread as awesome as possible, so the game gets more lovin'. :P

Do you mind if I post some of the info from your original thread? It has more tidbits of information.

Sure.  I was going to post them, but if you'd put them in the OP, it'd be even better.

Btw, do you have a ps3 yet? If so, what's your psn id? Then we can get some LBP'ing going on when the demo/beta/game/whatever comes out. :D