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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo - I love you!!!

dahuman said:
disolitude said:
A freind of mine just bought a Wii. I heard nothing but insults towards the wii the entire time ive known him.

He usually comes over and I show him the same games on the Wii and 360 side by side...on my 67 inch 1080p TV... and we usually laugh at the wii version.

However he saw the commercial for Punch out and said he can not live 1 more day without not buying that game. Says that it reminds him if his childhood and the time when he was happy.

Nintendo childhood brainwashing confirmed?


see, now that's just fucked up, because I can replace Wii with HD consoles, and HD consoles with PCs and how would that look to you? it's not always about how a game looks.

I agree. Mario Strikers charged is better than 90% of HD games despite the SD graphics. Im just saying...when you have guests over, you have to entertain them...and when you wow them with a 67 inch TV...and then you play a Wii game and they say "WTF is that blury blue square? That is Sonic running?" kinda have to show them what he looks like on the 360 version.

Othewise they are not as wowed with your TV...

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actually, I have a hardware upscaler attached to my Wii so I really can't tell for the most part lol XD but I'll give you that for the entertainment purposes.

yas Nintendo keeps you feeling young at heart.

dahuman said:
actually, I have a hardware upscaler attached to my Wii so I really can't tell for the most part lol XD but I'll give you that for the entertainment purposes.

I saw one of those at friends place. Too much $$$ for not enough upscaling... :)


didn't cost a lot of money for me lol, must shop in the Asia market locally. goes up from 640x480 to 1900x1200.

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Welcome my friend. I also love Nintendo!!


I love hearing about people who enjoy gaming with their kids! I'm sure that even more would love it if they gave it a try!

Bong Lover said:
lightningsouls said:
How come there never is a MS I LOVE YOU!! or a SONY I LOVE YOU!!!

Always people loving nintendo,

Well have fun with your games


In my opinion, this is because Sony and Microsoft are trying to destroy videogaming, while Nintendo is trying to save it.


 hmm tell me why you think like that.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

I never saw one group of people worshiping a company with such passion like Nintendo fanboys do. SICK!!!

you can change the future but you can never ever change your past and our past was with Nintendo so wii cannot deny our Nintenduality haha.